
I have a 2 yr old grand son that will only eat baby food for his veggies and fruits and suggestions? ?

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I have tried the cutesier things by making shapes, stars, funny faces out of raw veggies and fruit, nope, no good. He will not eat raw or cooked only strained, and then only from the stage 2 or 3 baby food line. Help!




  1. Hey, at least he's eating them. My 5 yr old still won't eat fruits and veggies, trick or no trick. I'd say be happy he eats them at all!

  2. I don't see anything wrong with it actually. I'm 21 and I buy baby food like applesauce and other veggies to take as a quick snack for work. As long as he's eating them, why not give it to him? If it's price you're worried about, you could always make it at home the same way he prefers to eat it.

  3. Well, I'd only get the stage 3 (the chunkiest). Try giving 2 tsp of the baby food and a sample of the other items at the meal. Tell him he can't have more of the baby food until he at least TRIES the other items.

  4.   Have you tried melons,strawberries, frozen grapes rolled in sugar, and frozen bannas?

  5. Have you tried to grind up a fresh apple? Make it like apple sauce. Maybe cook it in the microwave for 5 mins or so- just allow it to cool. I can not imagine a child refusing a seedless grape cut in half. Or banana?

    Is is possible that your cooked veggies are too bland, or too seasoned?

    Maybe he is just not comfortable with the texture of the raw veggies- too lumpy. At two he should have plenty of teeth-so he should already know how to chew.

    Do you feed him or do you allow him to feed Himself?

    I keep my 1 1/2 year old grand son. He is opposite-- he is beginning to refuse the baby food. We do allow him to pick up the fruit, crackers etc., and feed himself. Of course the soft stuff- we spoon feed him.

    Also we give him whole milk now for about 6 mo ( never skim--toddlers need fat -unless he is very overweight)

    If your grand sons weight is within range for his age/hight- I would not be too concerned.  

  6. Definitely he shouldn't still be eating baby food.  When it comes to food and 2 year olds its very tough.  By age 3 I start refusing to allow my kids to eat snacks if they haven't finished their dinner/lunch etc.  However at 2 its not really that easy to reason with kids.  You could place dessert on the table and when he asks to eat it keep repeating that he can only eat it if he finishes his veggies/fruits.  Start off with a very small amount.  

    If he absolutely WILL not eat then I would keep serving him applesauce, pear sauce, etc.  

    I reccommend some of those new books that came out with ways to sneak kids vegetables.  GL!

  7. Start mixing regular vegetables in with the baby food to wean him from it and be happy he is eating veggies.

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