
I have a 20 gallon aquarium. What can i put in it? what fishes and animals are safe together in there?

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I have a 20 gallon aquarium. What fishes , plants and animals can i put in it? Which fish/animals get along and which don't? Will i have enough space for all of this?




  1. a very big suggestion. DONT PUT GOLDFISH. unless u want to be cleaning the tank every 4 days. i had 2 goldfish in a 1 gallon tank and it turned out to be discusting. so i dotn suggest that at all. fighter fish are clean but they have to be alone. so the most i would tell you to do is go to the pet shop and see what they tell you, tell them all the conditions you want. please answer my question.;...

  2. go for 6 danios,6 rasbarios and 1 stone loach or 1 catfish/corydorias  that dont grow too big few plants stones etc anymore than that amount of fish and u overcrowd the tank  

  3. We have a 20 gallon tank and we have small school of neon tetras, 6 mollies, 4 guppies and one betta. You can really play around with the numbers and get a lot of nice colors in your tank. Good luck!

  4. i would get 4 tetras 5 barbs and 3 corys nice plant thing and thats all!

  5. actually I disagree with the person who said do not get a goldfish let me tell you why.....

    for one one goldfish you need 20 gallons because they get to be 6 inches or more......therefore 2 in a one gallon bowl is not exceptable.

    Yes goldfish are messy and that is why they need filters like almost all other fish but I don't think the person above had a filter in her bowl

    Goldfish are ADORABLE! You could fit one of and type of fancy goldfish I'll show you some pics!

    the oranda

    the black moore

    the fantail

    the ryukin

    You should put some plants but the morse swimming space for a golldfish the better!

    you could do fake plants put I reccomend a couple live ones too!

    these will be good with goldfish-

    java fern

    water wisteria



    and many others

  6. I would get 6 danios, 6 tetras, 2 corys, and maybe a pleco or something like that. I would get an Italian vallisneria for my plant. They are a very nice plant that isn't demanding. Like you dont have to put in any fertilizers or anything.

  7. with 20 gallons, you have a lot of options! you can get a nice school of some kind of brightly colored tetras (just pay attention to what size they grow to) like, you can get 10 green neon tetras, and maybe a pearl or opaline gourami and a bristlenose pleco (as long as you provide him with driftwood, otherwise, get a couple otocinclus.)

    that's a few interesting and colorful fish that won't outgrow your tank like goldfish would. :)

  8. Depends on what kind of fish you like, and the the filtration. You could get a bunch of nice brightly colored female bettas and guppies. Or you could get a school of small tetras. What i'd personally do, depending on your budget is get a bunch of guppies, plants and a few nice accesories and breed the guppies. You can get some really nice ones from aquabid.

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