
I have a 2004 Ford Focus SE, so just a regular one. What kind of gas should I use. Is premium worth it?

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My husband and I have gone back and forth, trying to prove to each other either that premium gas is not worth it, and that it is worth it. He thinks that he can see a difference, and that it's better for the car, everything I have heard and read says it makes no difference and that it is just a waste of money. I can never tell when I drive if it makes a difference. Does it? Is it worth the extra 20 cents a gallon?




  1. You are right, your husband is wrong.

    If Ford does not recommend premium fuel for your engine then it will give you no benefit whatsoever.  Some engines - typically turbocharged cars or more highly tuned normally aspirated engines need premium fuel and will have problems if you put regular in them.  You don't gain anything however by putting high octane fuel in an engine that is not tuned to use it.  

    Explain it to him this way.  If he can prove scientifically that using premium fuel in the car increases fuel mileage enough to compensate for the $0.20/gallon price difference then he can keep buying premium.  Until then...

  2. You are right it dosent make any difference it only cost more.  None what so ever in horsepower, etc.  He is just trying to be a know it all.  But any how your are right. No Difference.

    Hope I helped.

  3. This also depends on who drives the car. If he drives with a feather foot and you with a lead one, then yea it could make a difference. Premium is better in certain vehicles but the cars that are on the road today will run on almost anything, even corn. So, if you really wanna get down to business with your results, if this is possible, have him drive the car from full tank down to almost empty and then you. One of you will come out with more or less miles on the tank than the other. Use your tripometer to see how many miles you get with regular and then premium. I have a 23 gal tank on my Bronco II and used to average 440 a tank. Now that I work in town its about 350. Good luck!!!

  4. No using premium In a ford focus will not give you anymore power. just use a good brand of regular (shell) or (chevron).  

  5. The only US-Spec Focus that needed premium was the SVT model. Your car will not benefit from using premium. You are just throwing away money.

  6. I own a focus and i use a premium, but the only reason i do is beacuse its supercharged, since ur focus is stock there really is no reason to use premium, even the manual for the car says the same thing :)

    What u can do is add an injector cleaner when u fill up, most of the time it proves itself useful for improving gas mileage and the life of your focus. I use LUCAS injector cleaner, its only like 3 or 4 bucks, so far i found this one to be the best one.

  7. It should be right in your manual. There is no benefit what so ever to using premium except you are helping the gas companies with their HUGE profits. Stick to the regular, it's cheaper and every bit as good for your car. Tell your husband to get something supercharged if he wants to use premium so bad ; )

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