
I have a 2004 ford focus an everything works the lights the radio but the on thing is the engine wont start

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I have a 2004 ford focus an everything works the lights the radio but the on thing is the engine wont start




  1. Well, there can be many different reasons why a car does not start. I will try to provide you with the best information I can, however, the car is not with me so I can't be sure.

    Anyway, in my book, a car needs five things to start. Those are: Fuel, spark, compression, power, and correct timing. If the car started before and you didn't touch anything, then you can eliminate timing. Usually, timing problems occur when messing with the ignition/distributor. Also, if your radio comes on and lights and all that work, then it's getting power so your battery is good. An easy way to tell is to turn the car over. If it turns over normally and not all sluggish, then your battery should be fine and your problem is somewhere else. Now, if your car started up before, then I would imagine that the compression is fine (if started and driven before). Usually, low compression happens with a blown head gasket, valves too tight, worn piston rings etc...). With a blown head gasket, you will notice white smoke, coolant in oil (chocolate milk look), and severe overheating which can eventually crack the block. So if you didn't mess with your heads where your valves are, then I bet your problem lies either in fuel or spark. That was the first thing I thought but I have seen cars have weird problems when I have looked at them, so you never know. Anyway, does your car have gas? Stupid question, but it is possible. Your gauge may have went out and it says you have gas but you may be on empty. Unlikely, but I have seen it. With fuel, I would check your fuel filter, be sure you have gas, and check your fuel injectors. They may be bad/dirty. Next, spark. Really important and can cause problems. An easy way to check for spark: Take out a plug, connect the spark plug wire to it and have a buddy, friend, wife, etc... turn the key while you hold the wire (NOT the plug), and see if you are getting spark. If you don't, it could be anything from bad plugs to a bad rotor in your distributor or a bad cap. It could even be a bad spark plug wire. But if you are not getting spark, start simple. Take off distributor cap, look at the cap. If it is wet, dry it off - water could have got up there if you washed the motor. If not wet, look at it. It could be bad or look at the rotor in the distributor. That may have cracked or went bad. If those look ok, buy new plugs, connect it and go. If everything checks out ok, then it should be good to go. But those are the five things you need. Like I said, it probably lies with fuel or spark. So start with one and by the time you go throuh them, your car should be back up and running within no time. Also, be sure every wire/cable like the battery cables are securely tightened down. Any loose calbes could cause a problem, and it's best to be sure they are tight. Best of luck!

  2. Good thing the radio works, whats your question? Be more specific than wont start.

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