
I have a 25 gallon aquarium tank with four silver sharks. ? to keep clean, no snails/bottom feeder work?

by  |  earlier

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I tried 2 snails both died and the sharks had the bottom feeder hiding in fear, not doing its job I had to remove it.




  1. i wouldnt recomend getting plecos but those silver sharks grow up to 10 inches or more so they need a minimum of 55 gallons maximum 125 gallons but if you get rid of those fish i recomend schooling fish like guppies or neon tetras because you seem to have no experience.

  2. It's hard to keep bottom feeders and snails in with a silver fish. They often live in fear and eventually die.

  3. No.  Neither eat waste, so you must clean the tank regularly, like once a week if the sharks are small, 2x a week if large, along with 15-20% weekly water change.  Oh, and 25 gallons is too small for 4 sharks.  Plan on getting at least a 75 gallon in the future.  100 f or more even better.

  4. Contrary to popular belief, bottom feeders do not eat excrement. The only way to clean tank excrement is by weekly siphoning and water changes, or a good aquatic plant population.

  5. lol no animals get p**p! would you want to eat p**p for the rest of your life??? lol wow!

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