
I have a 28 gallon tank with a small anglefish and a medim sized gold fish will i need a biger tank?

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I have a 28 gallon tank with a small anglefish and a medim sized gold fish will i need a biger tank?




  1. Do angelfish and goldfish really go well together? You should be fine. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water and double that for goldfish. But I would only consider you're tank about a 24-25 gallon, since a lot of space is taken by gravel, plants, equipment, etc. Also take into consideration that these fish will get much bigger as they get older. Enjoy your tank!

  2. no its pleanty big enough, sounds like you need more fish

  3. A good rule of thumb is 1 angel per 10 gallons .But a tropical & a goldfish?!?!?

  4. goldfish and angelfish are not suposed to be togetther

  5. I think you'll be okay. The general rule is one inch of fish per gallon and double that for goldfish... Even once both your fish grow to full size you should be well within those boundries. You may even be able to add another fish or two up to ten inches.

  6. Ummm... if by medium sized you mean less than 3 inches then no you don't need a bigger tank.  If by medium sized you're talking medium pond sized gold fish then you're still ok but I wouldn't add any more fish.  A general rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon.  (Make it 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch per gallon for larger bodied fish like gold fish.)

    P.S.  I don't generally mix my gold fish and my tropical fish since gold fish are typically kind of a dirty fish.  Just my opinion.

  7. I dont think you need a bigger tank but you do need another tank. Goldfish like room temp. even cooler, while angelfish are tropical (75-85 degree water).  

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