
I have a 3 month old little boy and he wants to be held constantly??

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when he is awake he will start crying if i put him in his swing. at night he wakes up like once every hour b/c he is hungry?? should i try cereal or something?? they said at 5 months he can have it but i dont want to do something the doctors say not to do. i cant get nothing done b/c o cant put him down. i cant let him cry b/c i feel like a bad momma. anytime he hears my voice if he is in his chair he starts crying for me to pick him up. please some advice




  1. This is very normal for a 3 mont old baby. They like to be loved and comforted and held close to someone that loves them and will protect them. I would agree with everyone else who has suggested a baby carrier. There are tons to choose from a sling, a wrap, etc etc. It can give you your hands back and give him the comfort he needs. Try to remember that babies are so unable to care for themselves and defenseless that nature has designed them to be needy. He isn't manipulating you as someone suggested he truly NEEDS you. This will change as he gets older.

    As far as the cereal goes for once I would say listen to your doctor. Babies stomachs are not made to handle solid foods for about 6 months. Some babies nurse a lot. This is normal and will change as he grows. Many babies that are introduced to solids too early develop stomach issues (such as the constipation one mother described) and allergies. Save yourself the hassle and give it a few more months!

  2. Could be a number of things. Could be uncomfortable. Love him give him lots of kisses...Play with him too! Tell him its ok when he cries, I doubt that he is hungry every hour unless of course you don't give him enough to eat, maybe something he is eating doesn't agree with him..Have his doctor do some allergy tests, if they "don't think its necessary" then go somewhere that does!

  3. My son cried a lot when he was that age unless I was holding him. Turned out he was colicky - a blanket term doctors use for fussy and overly gassy babies.

    His tummy was hard and painful a lot, and holding him (pressing his belly to mine) was the only thing that really helped.

    I'm a firm believer that at 3 months, there's no such thing as holding a baby too much. They need that time to bond and grow close to you.

    And trust me - when they get too big to hold, and are almost as tall as you are, you will wish you had those moments back again! Even if it can be tiring and frustrating, just know that baby's crying is the only form of communication right now, and if holding him makes it better, that's what you should find time to do.

    I wouldn't try cereal yet - I did that with my daughter and she developed really severe consitpation, which I had to start evening out with applesauce, etc. Best to stick to the formula/breastmilk for at least 6 more months or so. Maybe work to make sure he's eating enough at a time, and not falling asleep during feedings.

  4. My son started on solids at four months, doctors dont say you shouldnt start them on solids early but that you should try to hold off to six months, it is fine to start your baby as early as four months. some babies are ready for solids before others and yours sounds like he could be ready, my baby was never satisfied after his bottle and was beginning to wake up during the night hungry so I started adding some vegetable puree to his diet which he took to straight away.  

  5. Have you tried a sling or a carrier? They can be a real life-saver when all your little one seems to want is to be in your arms. My daughter is a month old and I'll use it when nothing else seems to make her happy & it will usually calm her down within seconds and I'm able to get house work done because my hands are free.  

  6. just remember that they don't stay small forever. i know it is really hard to get anything done when you have a baby. i would recommend  a sling or carrier also.  3 months is to early to start solids. all babies are different and it just may be this is how your baby is. also as long as baby has several wet diapers a day than he is getting enough food. my two year was also quite demanding in this same way. good luck to you.

  7. Let him cry a little.  He has learned that his crying will produce results.  There are just times when you can't hold him, such as when you are taking a shower, using the bathroom, etc.  

    Edit: To the thumbs down she should be holding him while taking a shower and using the bathroom?

  8. I don't have an answer for you but all I can say is that I understand exactly what your going through. My little girl just turned 3 months last week and she is acting just like your son. I feel terrible when I let her cry by herself for 5 minutes. I always end up picking her up.

    I hope it gets better for us. People say its okay to give them a little bit of rice cereal with the formula but I'm not sure so I think I will just wait till 4 months until I start feeding her cereal.  

    My daughter eats a lot too but the only thing different from my daughter is she sleeps like 5-6 hours every night and then wakes up for a feeding but during the day I feed her like 5 ounces every 2 hours because she loves her formula!

  9. Just because he is crying doesnt always mean he wants to be picked up I would try adding two table spoons full of the gerber cereal to your already prepared formula and see how that works also if he is still cranky give him warm baths with camomile and he will fall asleep as the warm water relaxes his body!!!! Your not a bad mom if you cant pick him up every second you need to break this habbit as he will only become more demanding!!! get him little age appropriate toys to keep him occupied!!!!

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