
I have a 3 month old puppy and I have had him in my room for 2 weeks is it okay to let him stay outside?

by  |  earlier

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We live on a farm and have a open shed like area where he will have a house to go and get food and we can close it so he will be okay during the day. I just want to know if he was too young to be placed outside...and yes I do love this puppy, after all I did rescue him.




  1. No he is still a baby, why would you want to put him outside anyway

  2. I'm afraid you'll decide that he should stay outside all the time and then he's no longer a member of the family and he's relegated to outside for the rest of his life.  It's alright to leave him out for short periods but never leave him out there all the time.

  3. Nope not okay at all. He is far too young to be left outside. He needs training and socialization and isn't going to get that stuck in the back yard. Dogs belong in the house as part of the family, not shoved in the backyard because you are unwilling to deal with them. You cannot keep a dog in the house or your room for weeks, then decide that he is inconvenient and put him outside. Best bet is to find him a new home where he will be loved and part of the family.

  4. Let him get used to it, occationally take him out and he should get used to it. When he is older

  5. for how long?  how's the weather?  will he have shelter?

    if just while you're out with him, he should be fine.  if you mean to leave him out, then no.

  6. Provided that your pup has had all of his shots, and is healthy, letting your pup outside should be okay, but I would not leave the dog outside all of the time.  This is a loving creature that doesn't need to be cast outside like a piece of furniture.  Weather conditions should have a lot to do with your decision as well, it is too hot for you to stay outside all day?? If so, imagine how you would feel being outside all day in a fur coat....this applies to cold as well, don't forget that adaquet food, water and shelter are also required for you pup---you didn't mention what kind of pup this is, so hair length and color of your dog can make a difference too,  dogs do sunburn just like people, and with it being August, I'd bet you have hot days still ahead.  Best of luck

  7. yes, as long as he a place he can be out of the rain and the sun, and if it's cold he has a place to be warm in. And has food and water

  8. I am sorry but anyone that has their puppy live outside doesn't deserve a dog.

  9. Well where do you live?

    Would stray or wild animals have access to the puppy?

    Is there adequate housing and shelter for the puppy?

    How long would the puppy be outside by itself?

    Do you love the puppy?

    These are all questions that need answered before determining the answer to your question....the very last one being the most important.

  10. As long as he has had all his shots it should be ok.

    If nothing else let him stay outside during the day and come in at night since he is still young. Just remember he is a pup and needs lots of socialization and training. So spend lots of time with him.

    Please people come on...HE IS A DOG NOT A KID!!!

    They were meant to be outside to play and run.

    I would do it slowly though. Make him learn his boundries. Where he can and can't go.

    Get an outside underground electric fence or they have them now where there is a box you place in the desired area you want the dog to be and put the collar on him. That way you don't have to deal with digging a little trench around your property to put wire.

    People tend to treat their dogs like humans they are not. Part of the reason why so many people have problems with their dogs when they get older. Treat a dog like a toddler and you will get a dog that acts up and behaves like a toddler.

  11. NO he is way to young. puppies under the age of about 6 months are VERY suseptible to viruses like parvo which is very contagious and deadly. He needs to be much older 10 months minimum to visit outside, either way he should not be staying outside regardless of the age.

  12. no, keep in a cage and take him out to use it. Crate train it. It takes time

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