I have a daughter who is 3 years old, and refuses to make a bowel movement. As in, she has held it in for 4 days, and gets a stomach ache, cries, but refuses to go. I brought her to the doctor thinking something was wrong, and he gave us medicine. She went to the bathroom, but than the next day, she refused to go so I realized its her holding it in. I hate to see her in pain, and I don't know why she is doing this. Any suggestions? Or has this happened to anyone else with a child? I don't want her truly getting sick.
I don't know if this has to do with anything, but last weekend she went in her diaper, but some got on the floor and I got a little upset with her. But than I told her it was allright, it was just an accident. So I hope this doesn't have to do with her not wanting to go. She went after the accident, but than started not wanting to go a few days after.