for the past couple days now my chihuahua has been acting funny...he seems to be eating and drinking normal and still going to the bathroom normally....what i mean by funny is, after he goes potty normally i give him a treat which he loooves and recently after taking him potty he just goes and lays down and wont even eat the treat! another thing, in the morning when i take him downstairs he runs right to the laundry room and hides behind the washer....about half the day he still acts normal as far as energy goes but in the morning and at night he just lays by himself and just gives you that sad look! he hasn't been eating his bones and instead of sleeping in his bed, hes sleeping in the very corner of our room on some sheets that were on the floor....any ideas of why he could be acting this way? could it be maybe hes not eating enough and just not feeling well? or depression or what? 1 more detail, the first day he started acting this way, when i woke up that morning and was in the other room he yelped loudly as if someone had accidentally stepped on him (but no one did) and he did it a couple more times that morning for which seemed like no reason at all....and thats when the whole hiding behind the washer thing started....since then, no yelping out of the blue that i know of.....please give me some ideas of what this could gonna give it a couple more days and see if he starts acting better and if not im gonna take him to the vet...