
I have a 35 year old TV.?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a converter box, installed it, and it scanned all the channels it was able to pick up. But I do not get CBS, NBC or FOX. I get ABC and 3 PBS stations and lots of foreign language stations. How can I get these other major networks?

I live within 5 miles of San Francisco. Thanks for your help!




  1. move your antenna around, also the digital converters only pick up digital signals, in Feb. 2009, all channels will be digital, you should get more then, since all the networks haven't switched over yet.

  2. 35 years old.. Sell it at an antique store.

  3. You most likely need an outdoor antenna or a better one if you already use one. Even though your close to the city, the stations antenna may be too far away. Living in an apartment building doesn't rule out a rooftop antenna. FCC regulations prohibit your landlord from denying you a rooftop antenna.

  4. Well, digital TV is quite finicky, and you either get or don't get a signal. That means some stations which previously worked marginally no longer will work at all. If you live near SF, you're probably in an apartment, so that rules out rooftoopp antennas. Still, if your using a small loop or dipole, try upgrading, Also, you may have just bought a cheap and mediocre convertor box.

    Lastly, I doubt your set is from the early 70's, as scarcely any from then survive. In fact, many if not most sets from that era used TUBES in the HV sections still. No really, electron tubes. They're still mostlyavailable NOS if yours go, however, usually for less than ten bucks each.

  5. try an antenna or something

  6. 1) Get a power boosted or YAGI antenna

    2) Go with cable or satellite

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