
I have a 3ft tank with 12 goldfish in it how often should i clean the tank out thanks

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I have a 3ft tank with 12 goldfish in it how often should i clean the tank out thanks




  1. lets assume you got a filter do daily water change of 10 percent and you only have to clean it once in two  months if it is bare tank.    If tank with gravel no undergravel filter with powerhead overfilter you need once a month with both filter once in two to 3 months.  

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  2. get rid of 10 fish 4starters

  3. you should be doing water changes every week, but a 3 foot tank? how many gallons is that

    Because a gold fish needs about 10 gallons then an additional 10 gallons for every other goldfish. And I doubt that a 3 foot tank is 120 gallons...

    this is because goldfish need a lot of room because they grow big, and if not in the correct sized tank it stunts their growth, but their internal organs keep growing and it gives them a slow painful death

    Also goldfish are very messy fish and produce a lot of waste and that many in that small of a tank will cause problems

  4. You should use a gravel vac to clean the gravel every time you siphon out water. Otherwise, it depends on how well you take care of your tank before you will need to totally take it apart and scrub it.

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