
I have a 3yr old fixed male cat. I brought home a 1yr old unfixed female. Just found out she's pregnant 45day?

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My male, whom I've had since birth is now fighting with my pregnant female, causing much unrest in our home. Will he kill her? I have a safe box made for her to have her kittens in. It will have a litter box, food bowls and soft bedding. I'm not sure how to handle the next few weeks/months?




  1. Cats are extremely territorial. He shouldn't want to kill the kittens though, not if he's neutered. Though, i wouldn't give him the chance to prove one way or other to me.

    Introducing your cats correctly are important. Having a small cat kennel is important to the process. You bring the new cat home in the kennel and then you leave the new cat in the kennel for a bit while your cat gets to smell them.

    Here's a great site to learn how to properly introduce a new cat to a resident cat. You can start using them today, even though you had the cat for a little bit now.

    A male cat can and will kill for his territory. So your answer is... he could.. but no guarantee he would. A cat is not going to like having their liter dish by their food and sleeping area. A room might be a better place than the safe box. The safe box in the room, but a room she can leave to use the liter. Otherwise she'll simply not want to keep her kittens in there. She'll want to move away from the liter and wont' be able to and she'll get very upset.

    Think about what you are asking. Someone to lay next to their own f***s and urine. Not a pleasnt though. Now, you are also asking them to eat next to it too. Ick. Cats can refuse to eat under such circumstance and they have been known to starve themselves to death. Once her kittens are born, she is going to be even more protective and she'll fight him back even harder. Harmony can be achieve yet. Just go look ito it and do the work.

    Learn the lesson that you can't just bring in another animal when there is one already there. All animals take the proper introduction.  

  2. Cats have to have time to get used to a new cat in the house. Gradually let them get used to seeing each other. Perhaps you can confine her to one room until he gets used to her scent. When he seems curious enough then allow them to "meet and mingle" under supervision. If they still do not get along, repeat the process. It can take as little as a couple days to as much as a couple weeks, but eventually they will get along.  

    You may not want to hear this but once the kittens are born, you must keep them away from him until they are some size because 1) male cats are known to harm kittens 2) females are particular about their babies.

  3. what you should do is keep them in different rooms

    if you see them together just get the male away

    i have 2 cats that if they were together they would kill each other

    but we keep them in different rooms and they are fine

    later they will not fight anymore

    my cats rarely fight now and i've had the younger one for 3 years

    so just try that now and they will get used to each other

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