
I have a 3yr old who i cant totally potty train help?

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My daughter is 3 almost 4 and she is potty trained in the day light hours =) but once the lights go out 90 % of the time she has accidents. Nap time at preschool and home at bed time . I dont know what to do or if there is anything i can do cuz shes great all day long no accidents? Any thoughts?




  1. As long as there is no medical reason, and no emotional reason (new school, new siblings, etc.), perhaps just not worrying about it and limiting fluids before lights out, and giving it some time.  

    Sometimes kids' bladders just aren't ready for overnight training, or perhaps your daughter sleeps too soundly to wake up.  You can wake her and take her to the bathroom when you go to bed and go with that in addition to taking her right before bed.  (This worked with my older daughter, she did the whole night training thing by 3 - and she would not even really wake up at all, but my younger daughter is just not there -and if I wake her she won't go back to sleep. That is ok.  I'd rather buy a diaper or two a day than have serious emotional scarring from being ridiculed or punished for something she has no control over.)

    When your daughter is ready, her nighttime training will come.  She is only three after all.  With us, my ped checked her and rather than make it a big deal and set her up to fail - I know she won't stay dry all night, and rather than making it a big deal, we just double diaper (one diaper and a pull up on top) her at night - she does not nap - when she is ready, she will be dry overnight, and if I act like it is a big deal, she'll start to wonder what is "wrong" with her.  When she's dry for two weeks straight on her own, she's done.

    So, my advice is to not worry, don't make a big deal and barring and medical or emotional problems, then just don't worry about it too much.

  2. Brive her whith a toy if they do it, I know that works or make her feel good about reaching a goal, tkae her to a park.

  3. We just discussed this topic in my child development class.

    It's normal for children not to be completely potty trained up until they're 4. And the majority of children experience accidents up until they're about 6.

    Don't worry. She'll be potty trained when she's ready. But don't discipline her for her accidents. That will only lead to more. Be supportive and reinforce her behavior after she makes it to the potty.

    She probably isn't used to the urge while she's sleeping. She might just sleep through it, or be too groggy to know what it is. Maybe try telling her that if she wakes up during her nap or at night at all, tell her to go to the bathroom and just try to go. If she doesn't it's okay. But you want her to try.

    Good luck!

  4. She's only three years old.  There are many, many children who still wet the bed at night at various ages.  Every child is different.

    We all expect our children to be potty trained at the same time.  It just doesn't work that way.  Children's development is unique.  What we expect from our children, doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen that way.

    You daughter simply isn't ready for the night time training.  Some kids sleep very soundly and don't get the body waves we anticipate.

    The extra set of clothes at day care are just for that reason.

    Don't worry so much.  Your daughter is just like a hundred thousand other kids her age.  When you go to bed at night, don't have your eyes half open wondering if your daughter is going to be dry the next morning.  Close the eyes and don't think at all.  It's the only way you're going to ease the tension.

    Your daughter will let you know in her own time.  Don't get her up during the night.  It's not a healthy thing to do.  They get sleep deprived.  It's a proven fact.  Makes sense to me, when you think about it.

    Don't worry so much, your daughter is a normal three year old.

  5. Very typical...don't fret!  I was worried about my son as well and was told that research shows about 70 % of children are not potty-trained at night until almost 8 years old.  My son is 5 years and we still use pull-ups at night.  During the day he is just fine.  She WILL come out of it...but you may want to discuss this with her pediatrician.  

    Something that worked at night-time for us (our son is a deep and long sleeper) is getting him up when we go to bed and having him go to the bathroom...that was especially important when he was peeing out of his pull-up by morning!  Crazy...he is too big for a diaper which can hold more than a pull-up.  :-)  I think he's coming around here...he's very excited when he has a dry pull-up in the morning.  

    Have you limited the about she drinks... usually nap time is right after lunch and it's typical to offer a drink before they go to bed.  Consider that.

  6. night time is the hardest - after being checked by her doctor to rule out anything going on, let her sleep in a pull up and never ridicule or chastise her for having accidents - coz that's what they are all after all, accidents.

  7. First take her to the Dr. to make sure that there is not a small problem with the bladder. some children's bladders do not grow as quickly as the rest of their bodies.

    After that i made sure that there were no liquids about 1/2 to 1 hr before bedtime.With this came the ritual of brush the teeth & finally potty before bed ( along with story time & all that). I kept her in a pull up & the first thing that we did when we woke up was potty time.

    Bear in the big Blue House has a great dvd out just for potty training

    here is the link for the dvd you would be looking for. You can get a copy just about anywhere but this gives you an idea of which one I am talking about.

    Hope this helps...

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