
I have a 4 1/2 year old girl girl who is a delight out in public, and at school ect, the problem is that when

by Guest61769  |  earlier

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at home with me and my husband, she completely ignores our instructions and does anything that SHE wants to do, with no regard to consequences at all. Any advice?




  1. You're doing something right here...  Think about it, she knows good manners that she displays in public and she feels so comfortable at home that she becomes a little terror.  Time to set some boundaries and quick.  Remind her you're the boss, not a pal.  

  2. she needs better parents. I bet her parents nag rather than give her structure and reward.

  3. It is probably because at school she has consistent expectations, rules, and routines.  You need to set up family rules, explain consequences, and follow through.  It will get worse before it gets better, but you need to do the same thing every time, you and your husband.  Also explaining expectations and having a schedule to follow at home should help.


  5. At school she has  a lot fun, structured activities. Things that she is asked to do probably she likes. Probably even clean up time  is organized in a  fun way. She is not bored . When  a child is bored she starts to misbehave.  Besides she may obey  teachers  more than parents because she knows they will love her no matter what she does,she knows that she can get away with a lot. There are a lot of books that teach how to successfuly discipline a child. Use time- outs consistently, take away privleges like tv and make sure that she has  a lot of time- in (fun activities).

    Good luck

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