
I have a 4 mile run tomorrow but I'm a smoker and haven't really trained.... advice?!?

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I'm fairly fit otherwise.... I want to get a good time to impress my girlfriend but I know it's going to be a struggle, more mentally to just push myself. Any tips on foods I should eat tonight? (Carbs right? Pastas?) or vitamins or energy drinks??




  1. may as well start looking for a new girlfriend because your in for some humiliating pain!!!

  2. Sorry, but you're not gonna impress anyone by tomorrow. Bring your bike and let her do the jogging.

  3. Okay so you are going on a 4 mile run tomorrow which you have not trained for....

    well next time i highly recommend training.

    But since you haven't, here's my advice =)

    -Get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast. Pasta is usually eaten the morning of the run or the night before. Energy drinks really won't help you very much, you'll just crash. Its going to be hard, but remember to keep a good pace. And Do Not stop, if you have to walk thats fine!

  4. well first of all, your pretty dumb to not have trained for a 4 mile run and second of all, What kind of long distance runner in the right mind SMOKES???????

        But anyway, you should probably eat like a blueberry bagel because bagel have lots of carbs and the blueberries and beneficial for your body. Don't drink Monster energy or anything like that because it will make the lactic acid in your body to occur faster because of all the sugar and calories it has and then you will just get cramps early during your run. You should also try doing so hard stretches right now like quads, calf stretch,etc and do some high knees, grapevines, butt kicks, etc. Just to make yourseld looser. and about 2- 1 1/2 before your run, eat some bread or another bagel and make sure you stay hydrated but don't drink too much water right before your run.    Good luck. Hope that Helps!!

  5. If it's hot outside, don't run, cause being a smoker will already be tough on you.  Tonite, drink plenty of water, eat light, and for the run tomorrow, start slow and ease into your pace so you can finish strong, good luck.

  6. nope no advice.... and stop smoking its not good, id do it less and less then stop

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