
I have a 4 month old that just started eating solid food should she drink water?

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I have a 4 month old that just started eating solid food should she drink water?




  1. A baby can drink water at any age unless your doctor says no for some reason. I wouldn't suggest tap water but they do sell gallons of baby water at just about every grocery store or wal-mart.  

  2. Your four month old can have up to 2 ounces of water a day.  I used to put it in a sippy cup just to introduce it to my daughter.  She is now 10 months old and drinks freely from a sippy cup.  Im hoping the transition will not be difficult.  

  3. Water is not ok for baby to be drinking yet.  Your dr will let you know when she can have it.  I was told by dr that they can give baby seizures.

  4. Absolutely

  5. You can give your 4 month old water if you'd like OR add water to her milk so that she's getting water and milk.

    Water is fine, some people prefer bottled but tap is fine in my opinion but Canada has really clean safe water.

  6. It used to be suggested to give babies water.  My dad was given water as a child and he is 60 years old now, so it doesn't always hurt you.  However, most doctors suggest that babies don't need water until they are a year old and breast milk/formula with solid foods is sufficient.  Some doctors even suggest that too much water might be harmful for any baby under 6 months old as they may fill up on water and not get the nourishment that they need.  Why not wait until 6 months just to be safe.  

  7. Never hurts to try it.  I know that water and fruit juice was to light for my son and he just threw it up.  But stay away form Kool-aid and gatorades.  

  8. Yes she should definatly be drinking boiled, then cooled water

  9. you could start offering the sippy cup so that she can start getting used to it

  10. yes, offer her some water after her solids, and save the milk for the other times.

  11. A little water is fine, it cleans out their systems my doctor also said it was okay

  12. I would suggest holding off on water until 6 months.  Just offer formula/breastmilk before and during solid feeding sessions.

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