
I have a 4 yr. old in my pre-k class who....?

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I have a 4 yr. old in my pre- k class who likes to dress like a girl, loves the color pink, and really exhibits feminine behavior. by the way, this is a boy. I believe in letting a child be who they are. but.. if this kind of behavior can be headed off now don't you think it should be. is it even my bussines?




  1. I assume the rest immediatly told you that it should be stopped or to just let him be.

    This is a hard one because he's so little... and not your child.

    Um.. if I were you I'd try to show him "boy-like toys" ...

    He may like them!

    If not then..... God made everyone different for a reason.. thankfully!

  2. I too have a student who favors girls clothing and make-up. I feel that he is expressing himself and should be allowed to do so. I don't want my student to feel any shame at such a young age for expressing feelings that are natural to him.

    He is happy. He enjoys being a boy and a girl and is expressing himself and learning about the world. It doesn't worry me. What does worry me is the reaction of other children and how he'll have to suppress his natural tendencies as he gets older. This is what causes so many individuals to be confused young adults. It is a shame.

  3. homosexuality can not be headed off if that is what you are suggesting - it would only discourage him and frustrate him.  Let him be the way he is and accept him for who he is and enjoy him for who he is. If we could do that with adults in this world, think what a nicer place we would have to live in.  Please do not disallow this child to dress or act the way he wants to - do not stifle his curiousty or make him feel "bad" about the way he plays.  I can think of nothing worse.

  4. Well I believe you should just let him do him. Maybe he'll grow out of it. and he probably do have an older sister. He's young not really knowing any better so you should just let him be.

  5. Let him explore this! In my opinion, you should not try to stop or turn him away from this. Just let him have fun and explore. Thats what growing up is about, finding who you are. This little boy seems to just be trying out this different persona, eventually he may try another one on for size. Maybe in your class you can let everyone try acting like animals or any other type of dramatic play as a group. This may allow this boy, and other children, explore different personalities and personas and this wouldnt be singling anyone out either!

  6. A lot of little boys go through a phase like this, especially if they have older sisters. I wouldn't worry too much.

    It's usually just them idolising their older sister or mother, it doesn't usually last long.

  7. Let your boy just express himself.... he is still young kinda confuse and still finding his identity...

    little by little he'll might out grow it, he might not!!!... but don't hold him from expressing his self or stopping him from what he is doing... at least this is helping you somehow to determine what is inside of him...

    when my little boy is in pre- he said one of his girl classmates is his wife!!! then as time goes by he started to realize she is just a friend... so... for now he might be just being a kid, let him be... he'll out grow it!!!

  8. let the little boy express himself..but at the same time guide him slowly to the right path..ask him of his favorite cartoons..does he love spider man,bat-man ,...etc.u can make some crafts such as masks  & other boyish crafts and he participate with other kids in it...

    read him a lot of stories about heros that save the world and how wonderful it is to be a brave"boy" who save others

  9. Let him be- It doesn't mean a thing. What do you mean you believe in letting children be who they are and then saying , " if this behavior is headed off" Those are completely conflicting statements!

  10. I don't believe this type of fixation on feminine things is healthy.  I would discourage that type of behavior in a boy.  

    Of course this is not your child, but during the school day you can encourage him towards more boyish type activities.

    You are right to be concerned, but if the parents don't agree, there is not too much you can do.

  11. I. Many kids go through this phase.

    2. It may mean nothing.

    3. Even if it does mean something it is not your place to try and change him.

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