
I have a 4 yr old that is in pre-school. She used to love to go to school.?

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Now i cant get her to go anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. Oh, this sounds normal. My son liked pre-school, then he didn't want to go, then he liked it again. Your 4-year-old may be feeling some normal social anxiety right now. Perhaps your child feels like he/she is not fitting in with the other kids. Also, could there be a bully at the preschool that your child is fearing?

    Arrange a meeting with the preschool teacher to discuss what could be troubling  your child. Hopefully, this is a short term problem and your 4-year-old will like school again.

  2. maybe  some thing   took place,  that soured her love for going.

    you will have to figure out   what it was.

  3. I would talk to the teacher. Something may have happened and your child won't tell you. My daughter went through the same thing. Come to find out, her little friend moved and she was just miserable and lonely b/c she didn't think she could make friends. I found out through the teacher. At first she was trying to avoid helping me find the problem, but I kept hounding her. Sometimes you really have to get after the teacher.

  4. She may be shy. Get involved with the school and plan play dates with some of her friends. Get her used to the school and make it a part of her life.

  5. At least we know she's getting smarter.

  6. You should find out if something happened at school.  Ask her questions about her teachers or friends and see if something happened.  Also ask the school if anything happened recently that might make her not want to go, she could have got into trouble and got upset by it.  Maybe she had a fight with a kid at school, if she did maybe you could help her to get over it.  If not it could be her just trying to be the boss and assert her independence.  Just let her know that she has to go that she needs to learn how to write her name and cut with scissors and do her ABC's so she can be ready for the big girls school Kindergarten.  Usually for me, my 3/12 yr old gets really encouraged because she wants to be a big girl and go to school like her sister

  7. talk to her . why doesnt she like to go? what happened that doesnt want her to go anymore. talk to her.

  8. Investigate.  Is someone mistreating her at preschool?  Is another child giving her a hard time?  Ask your daughter why she doesn't like it anymore.

  9. Sit down and ask her why?  Listen closely.  Perhaps there is something she does not like that you can fix.  Ask.  Listen.  Good luck.

  10. Tell the teacher (not ask) that you would like to come in and observe for a whole day. And do that.

    Look for these things at the school:


    This article lists the NAEYC's top 10 list. The NAEYC is what governs all us early childhood professionals, it's the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    I know of a child who hates school now (a family friend) because the private preschool was overly academic and the teacher didn't teach them social skills. She would get upset and hit others, and instead of guidance, the teacher used humiliation in the form of time outs and sent her to the principals office. This NEVER works.

  11. just like give her treat if she goes to school. If its a really big problem tell the teacher to keep an eye on her when she is at school. Then you might be able to figure out her problems.

  12. Have you asked her why she doesn't want to go? There could be multiple reasons why she doesn't want to go, from bullying to feeling homesick. The best thing you can do right now is talk to your daughter.

  13. Have you asked her why she doesn't want to go? There could be multiple reasons why she doesn't want to go, from bullying to feeling homesick. The best thing you can do right now is talk to your daughter.make her feel like you care, show her that you understand that there are some rough times ion school and that she has to take it like a big girl!Tell her that it'll soon be fine and also go talk to the teacher and ask her to observe your daughter and make sure no one bullies her.If you have just moved her into the school she was going to, then maybe she doesn't like the school and hasn't got any freinds to play with or talk to.

    Hope your liittle girl gets out of her phase soon!

    with all my blessings take care

  14. My only suggestion would be to talk to your daughter and to discuss with her the reasons she doesn't want to go to school on a level she can understand. One of the most common reasons that children may not want to go to school is because they fear being left and are having anxiety about you or your husband (or boyfriend) not returning and getting them. Another common reason is that they are being mistreated at school and something even more sinister you should consider is that she is being physically or sexually abused. A simple doctor's visit can address that concern immediately and either confirm or dismiss it. And finally as a last resort you can and should simply force her to go. I would not advocate that as a first option as it can destroy your relationship with your daughter but she needs to go to school regardless if she likes it or not.

  15. something may have happened to her there.  try talking with her about it.

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