
I have a 42'' plasma it is only 6months old it worked fine now the picture wont come on but the sound does

by  |  earlier

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any ideas as to why the picture wont come on it brand new and everything is hooked up correctly




  1. What channel to you have your tv on? maybe thats the problem.

  2. Have you had a power outage or has anyone else had control of your remote control?  I don't know who your signal provider is, but if you have checked with them, I would suggest going into the menu on you TV and checking the input and setup settings.  I don't know if you setup your TV to start, but I would try this.  You can also call to tech support at the place where you purchased the TV or look in you manual and contact the manufacturer.  I have found that the manufacturer is pretty good at helping.  If not, if the TV is as new as you say, return it.  Hope this helps.

  3. what brand of plasma is it? Usually the inferior brands won't last as long for plasmas, it should still be under warranty though.

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