
I have a 5 1/2 month old guinea pig...?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i was wondering if i should get her a playmate. the breeder i got her from said another batch of babies would be ready in 2 weeks. I of course would get a female because i do not want little babies running around =(... Advice please for Sweet Pea???




  1. personally i would get a boy so she has babies!!

    i'm freaking out...plz help me:

  2. I dont know what to tell youu to do

    but I heard sometimes guinea pigs

    dont get along with others that they werent

    born with but I dont know youu could try it and see what


  3. if your guinea is sociable then yes try it

  4. get him a dog

  5. Definitely! Guinea pigs are herd animals and are highly social. It's actually much, much better to keep them in same s*x pairs or groups.

  6. well even though the p**p-load has doubled since i got my 2nd piggy i have noticed a HUGE differnce in my 1st piggies personality and attitude. he seems ALOT happier and more soical

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