
I have a 5 week old baby and he cries everytime we put him down. How do we soothe him without picking him up?

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He is not colic and only cries when we put him down but stops crying as soon as we pick him up. We have tried to let him cry until he screams but we could not do that all the time. It hurts to hear a baby cry that long but we get also get tired and has things to do too. He does not like a pacifier also.




  1. Have you tryed a bouncy chair that vibrates , a swing or swaddling him.

    the swing worked the best . I was at least able to put the baby down for long enough to eat or read a story to my younger child .  

  2. Sorry, but if there is nothing wrong with the baby (i.e. hungry, gassy, dirty diaper) he only cries to be held.  The only way to change this behaviour is to let him cry or rock him in one of those baby chairs.  

    My daughter went through that when she was a newborn and after a few days of screaming bloody murder in her crib, she settled into a routine.  Children learn to self soothe with blankets or plush animals as well.

    Good luck!

  3. Well, my baby really likes to use her swing.  I found that she is really content being in constant motion.  Perhaps that will work for your little one as well.  As for the pacifier, my daughter didn't like them at first, either.  However, I just kept offering it to her, and eventually she grew to like it.  So, pick him up whenever you can, but when you're not able to, try to place him inside of something that mimics being held.

  4. At 5 weeks a baby is learning to know you and trust you so pick him up - it isn't until a few months later that constantly picking him up will be considered spoiling.  If you can't hold him that long then try a vibrating bouncy seat

  5. put on some soft music or..........let him watch tv???

    i do not have a baby so i dont really know alot but i hope this might help a little O.o

  6. pick him up or he will stared crying make him go to sleep then put him back

  7. get some kind of carrier, so you can hold him and do other things at the same time... he NEEDS to be held.

  8. Try 1 of those vibrating chairs Babies seem to like those... most hate the swing but the vibrating chair is very calming And try sitting him as high up on the chair as possible I dont know why but it makes a difference

  9. wrap him in a blanket swaddle(don't no if ive spelled it right) him baby's r wrapped tight in mummy's tummy hes just missing it  

  10. I probably shouldn't suggest this, but...Does he only cry when he is placed on his back?  If so, try placing him on his stomach.  I know, I know - you aren't supposed to let a baby sleep on their stomach.  But one of my kids would always scream when layed on their back, but they were fine lying on their stomach.  

    Never found out why though - they're in elementary school now and seem perfectly healthy now.

  11. There is a really good cradle that other people have used, its like a little crib (like the ones you use to carry your baby which looks like a plastic basket), It has a frame built around it to stand on the floor and it has an electric motor which rocks the crib back and forth at different speeds.

    The baby will set into the same motions that you would use yourself but without you being there!

    Hope that helps!

  12. Try putting him in something that lets him sit up like a slightly raised chair .he is probably crying because he doesn't want to be laid down all the time. If you put him in a chair that is on a slight angle he doesn't have to do any work and it lets him sit up and see whats going on in the world and it will also help him learn things as well. Make sure that the set isn't too raised up otherwise it might strain his back a bit.

    Hope i helped =D ,

    caitlin xx

  13. At 5 weeks, your baby needs all the cuddling he can get. You're not spoiling him by picking him up.  He doesn't even understand that you're a separate person from him - he thinks his mommy is an extension of himself.  When you really need to get things done, try a side-to-side swing, sling or carrier, or bouncer seat.

  14. For the first three months of her life I was pretty sure my niece was the perfect baby.  Not only was she the most beautiful baby on the planet, but she never cried.  Of course, to be honest, she never got an oppertunity.  If she even wrinkled up her little nose in distaste she was picked up.  After three months though, boy oh boy.  She decided to find her voice, and she liked it alot!  She just made noise all the time.  Sometimes she wasn't crying at all, she was just screaming to hear how loud she could do it.  Then she would grin and do it again.  But, at 5 weeks everyone is right.  Hold the baby.  Cuddle and enjoy this time.  They do not stay little for very long at all.  Enjoy every single second of it.  When it is time to go to sleep you could try swaddling the baby.  You kind of wrap the baby up like a tight little burrito.  That way they feel like they are being held and cuddled.  Another thing that is probably not adviceable but worked for my niece at bed time, she liked sleeping in her carrier.  It made her feel more secure.  So we up her in the carrier and put the carrier in the baby bed.  

  15. You should not let your baby cry for more than a few minutes at this age.  Babies, till the age of 5 or 6 months, need to be picked up and attended to when they cry.  They grow up to be more well adjusted children than babies that are left to cry it out.  

    You can try touching his back, singing, etc. but he may just need you to hold him.  He was in your womb for 10 months - you can't expect him to be okay with everything in the world after just 5 weeks.  He needs comfort, warmth, love and attention.

  16. "We have tried to let him cry until he screams...."

    You don't do that to a 5 week old. That is ridiculous. Keep in mind that he just spent 9 months in a cozy "little" home and now is out in this big world. It's going to take some time for him to adjust to his surroundings. Right now Mommy and Daddy NEED to hold and cuddle him so he feels secure.

    Are you swaddling him? This offers little ones tons of comfort. Also try a sling so you can get things done but he'll be close to you.

  17. Do you feed him before you put him down? sometimes that can help. Maybe putting a mobile above him will help to distract him. preferably with music.

  18. Cradle Bouncers work wonderfully! They have a calming vibration with gentle melodies and soothing sounds. Also adjusts from a newborn to infant size with a removable toy bar, so you will be able to get use out of it for awhile! Hope it helps you as much as it did us!!!  

  19. my daughter is 4 weeks & she is the same way!  these are some thing i do...

    sometimes she needs 2 be burped...again  

    i put her in her swing (she hates the bouncy chair & pacifier)  

    i take a big blanket & fold it up so it's thick & soft & lay her on it

    swaddle her & sit her in her boppy (she likes 2 sit up & look around

    babies have their own language

  20. When my son was younger, I used to play music during those rare times he cried when nothing was actually wrong with him, and that soothed him. Luckily, he wasn't the type of baby that cried all the time. It actually use to worry me that he didn't cry as much as most babies however, his doctor told me that he was fine. Some babies need attention/consoling more than others.

  21. Try burping him a little longer before putting him down. My son was the same way, then my mom told me what to do and viola he burped more and stopped crying.

  22. What on earth is wrong with picking him up?  Of course he stops crying when you hold him, new babies are supposed to be held and cuddled.  And it hurts to hear them cry because you have parenting instincts, and for a good reason.  Your baby knows what he needs, so listen to him.  If you have things to do, get a baby sling or carrier and wear him while you get stuff done.

    Letting a baby that young lay there and cry is a bad idea.

  23. You can swaddle him and put him in a swing or in a boppy, or on a vibrating bouncy seat.

    I never just laid my twins down flat at that age.  They were always in something that made them feel snuggly and warm.

    You shouldn't let him cry.  That's just nuts.

  24. He is only 5 weeks old - PICK HIM UP! Jesus, you DO NOT use cry it out with a brand new baby! Having a baby is hard - didn't anyone tell you that - what did you think they were talking about!? Buy a sling and wear him on you while you go about your day.

  25. We had the same problem with both our kids.  We gave them some sort of comfort thing (blankie, stuffed animal, etc.), and would just come back in every few minutes and let them see us and hear us as we stroke their heads and try to soothe them.  Eventually, you just have to let them get it out of their sys. and figure out that everythings fine.

    Oops, I just caught the 5 week old thing.  Yeah, hold the child.  Wrap him tightly in a blanket and hold him.  There will be plenty of time for you to break the bond that your kid has with you in the future, for now though you need to build that bond as strong as possible.

  26. I agree you do not Let a baby cry it out that young. My little on is 6 weeks and I would NEVER let her cry it out....Try a swing. OR I have the sling and its wonderful there at target and cheep...Read up on baby's you seem to have no clue...They don't understand why no ones coming when they cry and its there only way of telling you some thing is wrong. Maybe you don't give him enough attention and just wants his mommy close. Think he has not been away from you for 10mo of being prego and now hes left to cry him self to sleep.. Get a clue and stop being mean to your baby. Have you man help...He can hold him to if you need a break.

  27. The same way parents have been soothing babies since The Flood.  Put a little whiskey in his bottle.

  28. have u trying bouncing him a little? also try getting a bassinet if u dont have one with a mobile. lay something in the bassinet that has your scent. even if it means sleeping with one of his blankies and put it in the bassinet with him. he is soothed by holding bc he loves your scent, the sound of your voice, your warmth, among other things. offer him all the comfort he demands. this is a very fragile age and he is tottally dependent on u. remember that u r his world and part of being a mom is giving up things, he has to come first so u may have to let some things go if he needs u. he will get to a less dependent age but right now he should be your #1 priority everything else doesnt matter.

  29. wow you'll get a baby drunk

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  30. He is sooo young, what he needs right now is for you to hold him. He is to young to "cry it out" he needs his mother. Imagine how lonely and scared he must feel when he is away from you. He was inside of you for 9 months and now you expect him to be okay after only 5 weeks. I understand that you are tired, both my children were this way, but nobody said that being a mother was easy. Try getting a sling and fasten that little bugger to your side. It worked for me.

  31. Do you have a bouncer seat that vibrates, that might help soothe him.

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