
I have a 5 year old daughter,,she doesnt lisen to me,,when she gets mad she screams kicks hits,,?

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when we punish her,,she picks her scabs till they bleed,,is she doing this for attention..or is there something else going on,, iam worried please help




  1. Take her beloved items away and offer them back when she agrees to obey your rules. Offer her foods that she loves as rewards for obeying.

  2. while she may be ADD the kicking and screaming sounds like just temper. She is possibly being punished more than in the past?All children go through the temper tantrum period. By not buying into it and sticking to your punishment then you teach her that that behavior is not acceptable. Try to stay calm that is a big not let her know that behavior upsets you...The scabs might just bother her or be a game to get your attention. put some band aids on her boo-boos and when she picks them just ignore it...this behavior will go away after a while.

  3. be consistent and don't give in after awhile she will see that you are being serious and its not good what she is doing. Its hard to do I know my daughter would scream I hate you and slam doors, etc... but I stuck with her time outs and it worked she is now behaving a lot better. Good luck

  4. Sounds like she is doing it for attention. Don't give her your attention when she is being naughty. If she makes a mess while in trouble or trying to get your attention, make her clean it up. For example, my nephew makes himself puke when he is mad so that someone will come and clean it up and then in his mind "he won". We started making him clean up his puke. It has cut his behavior down by 90%!!!! He never does it around me now, but he does around his mom because she still gives into him sometimes. But if it is very worrisome to you and you don't know what else to do, talk to your doctor about it!!! Good luck!!! I wish kids came with an owners manual! :)

  5. Take her to her pediatrician, she might be ADD or Autistic or have something else wrong with her.

  6. well what type of punishment are you using you forgot to add that part!! and its called tough love if you do to her what shes doing to you then she will see it hurts and it might help her stop and it does seem like she is asking for attention maybe you should try and get her some counsling i know they have it free at most the schools if thats not an option im guessing your punishments are stricked enough good luck!

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