
I have a 5 year old whois in kidergarten. He goes to bed at 9. I wake him up at 7 in morning. ??

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the kindergarten class does not take naps . when my son gets home he isnt sleepy but by 5 he want to take a nap. i dont want him going to sleep that late in the day because he will notgo to sleep when it is time for bed. does anYbody have any ideas what to do. is it bad to not let him take a nap? or should i keep him awake until it is time for bed?




  1. Sounds like he is not getting enough sleep at night. I would up his bedtime by 15 minutes until you can reach a reasonable time that he is not wanting to nap. Now there is nothing you can do if he is waking up during the night or a restless sleeper. If he is in his own room he may be waking up and going back to sleep and not knowing it. We know because we will be dragging the next day.

    I know because my Daughter sleeps with me so I can tell if she has had a restless night and the funny thing is she will say she slept well when I know that she hasn't.  

  2. Maybe put him to bed eariler, like around 8. Then he'll have more sleep and maybe be less tired when he comes home.  

  3. If possible, could you put him down for a nap as soon as he gets home from school? This way, you can start dinner or do other things that need to get done. This way it's still early when he takes his nap, wake him up after only an hour or 2 and then keep him occupied until bedtime at 9.  

  4. wow when i was 5 i went to bed at like 8 or earlyer! i didnt no that people actully were up at 9 when i was 5. i thot 9 was like really late lmao i was a silly babyyy lol

  5. You should put him to bed before 9!!

  6. he should go earlier about 7 that way he shuld be betta

  7. Could be he is not getting enough sleep at night with only, I know it's 10 hours but some small children need about 12 if they are not napping during the day.  Try putting him to bed at 8pm, see how that works.

  8. I would put bedtime at 8PM with a story and lights out at 8:30

  9. dinner at 5 bed at 7

      he needs an earlier bed time

    he doesnt need a nap he needs an earlier bed time

  10. Do something really fun with him. He shoud be taking naps soon after school

  11. alot of time kids are put to bed at around 8 before school their mind and body are working all day long and he just needs more sleep make him stay awake untill dinner and then let him go strait to bed...

    the only other thing would be to give him a midday snack to keep his energy up

  12. Why not have him take a nap right after school lets out?  I know my daughter often times fell asleep on the bus on the ride to daycare after school.  She is also 5 and her bedtime is 8pm.  So, putting him to sleep earlier may be another option.

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