
I have a 50 gallon tank, how long should i wait before i clean it, and how do i clean it?

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currently i have no bottom feeders. do u recommend that i get one or 2 -i have 6 fish and i feed then twice a day




  1. Get yourslef some algea eaters I think they are called precostimas (don't know exact spelling). They will really help to keep the tank clean and you will not have to clean it as often.

  2. I clean my tank every week.  I change out 20% of the water.  I would recommend that you get a vacuum to clean your gravel.  I use this to remove the water and fill up buckets.  They have several types of vacuums out there.  I have buckets that are just for use in my aquarium.  Soaps and other chemicals can harm your fish.  You are also supposed to change out the filter cartridge every 2-3 weeks.  Before you put a new filter in put in some of the tank water you just took out. You may not have to do this so often since you have such a large tank and only 6 fish.  I would not buy a algae eater until you have some algae in your tank.  If you do buy a algae eater you can also purchase some algae wafers and I bought a algae ball at petco.  Make sure  that you put water conditioner in the water that you are adding to the tank.  If you do not have a water testing kit I would buy one.  That way you can stay on top of any water problems.  I hope this helps.  Good luck.          

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