
I have a 6 1/2 month old who weighs 19 pounds, is that to big?

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The doc said that she's in the 90th percentile at 19 pounds for her age. Does anyone think that's way to big? Should I start cutting back on bottles? She only gets about two 6 ounce bottles a day, 1 jar of baby food and I nurse her the rest of the time. Any opinions? I don't want her to have a weight problem when she's older. I'm only 110 pounds but my husband has larger family members.




  1. Don't worry, she's just big!

    My daughter was bigger than that at 6 months.  She's an average height/weight 3 yo now.  She's thin!  You could never imagine how fat she was as a baby if you look at her now.  She started thinning out a little before she turned 2.

    I have a 5 1/2 month old son..  He weighs 20lbs already!

  2. Oh their size now has nothing to do with how they will be when they are older!! Its the eating habits that you instill into them! and at 6 months my son was a chunker too! he was over 20lbs I think he was 24 but I'm not exactly sure! Don't cut back on food! your baby needs it! My son by8 months was in size 18-24 months and at 10 1/2 he is still in the same clothes! they eventually hit a growth wall, and once they start crawling/creeping and walking the baby chub falls off of them!!

  3. OMG

  4. Just keep with your baby's normal routine and normal feedings. You do not want to starve the baby. Next time you go to your pediatrician ask if they feel you should then change the child's diet.

    She should get baby rice or oatmeal ceral at least once a day at this point as well.

    juice is normally started at 6 months.

    Once she starts to crawl, cruise, walk she will thin out some.

  5. that is bigger than average, but not too big.  Keep feeding her, don't cut back on anything.  Once she is mobile, her weight will level out.  

    My daughter is small...she is 25 pounds @ 18 months...50%ile for weight

  6. The rule of thumb is that a baby would normally triple her birth weight by the age of one year.

    Therefore, if your baby weighed 6 lbs at birth, she has already tripled her weight and she is only just 6 months old, or if she was 8 lbs at birth, she should be around 24 lbs at a year.

    So, I would try to slow her down a little, perhaps reduce the amount of milk in her bottles, or dilute them a little with water - or cut them out completely, seeing as you are still nursing her.  You could also offer her water in the bottles, or diluted fruit juice a couple of times a day.

    You certainly don't want your baby to be hungry, nor do you want her to lose weight, but you may want to slow down the rate at which she gains weight.

    Good Luck!

    EDIT: Why the thumbs down?  Has no one read the literature on childhood obesity?  At the rate this child is gaining weight, she will weigh close to 40 lbs at 12 months old - and the mother is concerned.  Being in the 90th percentile is not good, you know!

  7. my son who is almost 11 months weights 32 pounds and i don't feed him all day. Three meals and a snack and maybe three bottles. his doctor says he is healthy. There is no such thing as a normal weight, all babies are different the same as adults, all different.I am 115lbs and my husband isn't fat, but comes from a family of larger people, but my son is very active and I'm not worried and I'm sure you have no need to be worried either.

  8. That doesnt sound enormous or anything. My son used to be a fat baby! Everyone called him a butterball, but now hes skinny. Babies grow vertically for a little bit, and then horizontally.  Maybe she just hasnt hit her verticle growth spert yet. When my son was just a couple months old he was allready wearing 6-9 months (he was in 95% for length) NOw that hes 9 months its almost like he shrank, pants that used to be right in the waste fit now. I think she'll be okay, it doesnt sound likle your overfeeding from what you said.  Just make sure you make sure shes getting fruits and veggies, at 6 1/2 months shes plenty old enough for a regular routine of stage 2 baby foods.  My son gets  oatmeal and a bottle in the morning, a fruit and veggie for lunch a bottle mid day, and a dinner and dessert for dinner and a bottle before bed, we've been on that routine since he was 6 months.

  9. same as my baby was. . he's 10 months now and weighs only 22. . they do slow down a lot once they start moving around a lot. and no don't cut out any food.

  10. A baby in the 90th percentile is not too big.  It just means she's big.  Never ever cut back food for your baby!  She will eat as much as she needs.  Just wait till she starts moving around (crawling, walking)... she'll run off the chub.  My son was very heavy for the first 6 months, then he started crawling and now I can't keep weight on him!

  11. Someone has to be in the 90th percentile and someone has to be in the 10th.  Generally you would only be concerned if there is more than 20 percentiles between her weight percentile and her length percentile (which may indicate she is over or underweight for her height depending on which is the higher number)

  12. It depends on how big she was when she was born. My daughter was more than 8 pounds at birth and now she's in the 90th percentile for weight but she's in the 95th for height so I guess it balances out. When your baby starts running around, she'll lose weight. Don't worry too much about it now. Just be sure you allow her to be active when she's able to.

  13. I'm 5 foot and 105 pounds.

    My son was FAT, FAT, FAT!!! when he was a year and under.

    It looked like he had elastic bands around his wrists..... and guess what?

    He's 8 years old and weighs 56 pounds.... he's a TOOTHPICK!

    Don't worry.... as soon as she starts scooting around, walking/running and burning off lots of calories, she'll slim down faster than you can say Jenny Craig For Babies.

  14. My baby is 17 lbs and 24'' long at 4 months of age. I think your baby is fine, just because your baby is chubby doesnt mean she will be a chubby when she grows up. It also depends on the birthweight. Formula fed babies are usually chubby (my daughter is formula fed). Dont cut back on bottles, feed her as much as her little heart need for her to start dieting lol. Babies are much cutier when they are chubby

  15. According to the avervage weight for 6-9 months is18.5lbs. You shouldn't cut back on her food, if she's hungry let her eat. When she begins to crawl and walk she'll lose the baby fat :) Just help her make healthy food choices when she begins eating table food. ( Right portions, healthy options)

  16. I would not cut back on her food, baby's weight are all different, depends on what they weighed when born, My son weighed that at around the same age and now he is four and he is tall and skinny, just keep feeding your baby on demand and let her be your guide to her amount if your doctor is not worried than I would not be either

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