
I have a 6 mo old baby and I'm very confused in the way i should be feeding him.

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He's very healthy he weights 20lbs and 28in but i would just like to have a routine that i can use everyday with his meals.




  1. baby cereal in the morning followed by a bottle. a bottle for "snack time", baby food for lunch, bottle "snack time" , baby food for dinner, cereal and bottle befor bed

  2. Within the next month or so you should start your baby on Gerber rice made with formula or breast milk. Try this once a day before your baby goes to sleep for the night (this will also help your baby sleep better). Continue with this routine until you can give your baby the rice mixed with stage one fruit. Then start feeding the baby twice a day with the rice. Your baby will still need several bottles throughout the day.

  3. Why not ask the pediatrician?

  4. Why wouldnt you ask your babies doctor????/

  5. well u can breast feed ur child until he is one yrs old...the formula...start off slow w the smashed vegtables of baby food and their is aslo dissolvable snacks as well...goodluck hun

  6. Since my daughter was 6mnths (shes now 10mnths) wev had same feeding routine which goes

    9am-4oz milk with cereal in a bowl

    1pm-A bowl of savory food (varies everyday), a yogurt and juice

    5pm-A bowl of savory, a yogurt and water

    8pm- 8oz bottle

    Inbetween she has snacks like bread sticks, fruit, crisps, biscuits etc and shes gaining weight fine and i find she eats a range of foods.

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