
I have a 6 month old, how much should her father pay in child support?

by Guest64307  |  earlier

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Okay our daughter is 6 months old. I'm trying to keep things between us amicable. He makes about 80,000 a year. He pays me 200 a month for our daughter. I hate to ask for more money but it's frustrating when I"m pretty much doing it all on my own. I told him I'm trying to be nice and not go to court, but he laughs and doesn't think he'll have to pay more that the 200. Just as an opinion what do you think I should do? How much do you get for an infant? (I stay at home with her and go to school full time, so money is tight as it is. And whatever I have extra I spend on my daughter, I don't want her to go without anything!) And please no judgemental comments. Spare me okay? I'm just trying to do what's right for my daughter.




  1. Oh, if he makes $80,000 a year he'll be paying WAY more than $200 a month.  Take him to court and let the judge decide how much he should pay.  From what I've heard the family courts are very sympathetic of mothers who go to school.  I don't think it's so much an amount as it's a percentage of his wages.  See if he laughs after the judgment.

  2. honey, being nice gets you NOWHERE! - you can get 25% of his weekly salary, at the very least and make him pay for health insurance. - depending on what state you are in, if he is married to someone else, you can also get child support from THEIR spouse. - he's laughing his *** off at you paying only the $200.00.

  3. he should pay at least half of everything.  But if he don't want to then TAKE HIM TO COURT.  They courts will make him pay a lot more than 200. That barely covers diapers for a 6 mouth old baby.  Don't let him get away with not helping. he helped make her he should help support her. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER

  4. In 1993, my ex husband was paying me $450 a month, and made $40,000 a year.

    What you are getting is not enough.

    The courts use a formula to figure out child support -- they take both parents' income into consideration.

  5. I am going through the same thing.  My ex said he made less than what your ex does, and I was quoted as getting at least double that a month.    If you are just trying to be nice, tell him you are struggling and that your last resort is taking him to court to get a fair amount.

  6. Not going to court is foolish.  If he is the father he needs to pay more than 200 dollars a month. He need to have the child on insurance.  Most courts set the rate based on a percentage of the father's income.  But you also need to be aware that the court will not be easy on you.  Being a single stay home mom, even if you are going to school does not shine well on you.  If you do go to court make sure you are doing everything to present yourself well.

  7. you got some good answers so I won't repeat. The courts will also consider the fact that you don't work. They will not see it right that he is the only supporter of that baby, By rights if he is expected to pay $200 or 400 or whatever a month then they'd expext you to be able to contribute some.

  8. has a free child support calculator for each state (if you are from the US) which takes into account different variables.  It is not 100%, but it is close to what is required in your state.  Just enter your information into the form and you should get some figures to work with.

    Good luck.

  9. At $80,000 a year he would be paying about $400-500 a month in childsupport depending on your state guidelines.  My ex pays $400 and he makes $25,000 a year but that is for 2 kids.  They do take into factor how much you make as well, daycare costs as well as insurance (if he pays for it or you do)

  10. it depends what state you live in.

    in mine it's AT LEAST 25% of their income. but at 80,000 he would be maying way more than that monhtly.

    GO TO COURT. not just for you....but for your daughter! also, if you ask, the court can get him to pay for your lawyer and other court costs.

    its not selfish.its for your child. im sick of deadbeat dads doing nothing or the bare minimum!

  11. you will be getting a total of $2,400.00 for the year, all you  have to do is ask him to pay up for the child support, if he doesn't pay up I think that you should take him to court and explain it to the judge and he can make her father to pay for the child support.

  12. Without knowing what state you live in can't figure for sure but it is a hck of a lot more than what you are being paid.

    He should almost pay that much per week on his salery.

  13. he should be paying alot more than that, call ORS in your state and they will foot the bill for court and it will come out of his paycheck before he even gets it, not only that they will decide how much he pays and wont be so nice!

  14. Thats for lawyers to decide...there are different laws in different states(or countries), but 200$ a month seems so little when he makes quite a nice sum of money. In my opinion, you should be getting AT LEAST 200$ a WEEK. Anyways hope this helps! =)

  15. It depends on the state but you can get up 10.000 if you wanted

    I would go for more

    heres a site that help with child support

    and if he refuses they will help you

    try it see what happens

    good luck

  16. More than $200 a month! Way more. And he makes 80,000?? For the sake of everyone involved take it to court and get some official ruling.

    If you two weren't married no matter how amicable it is he still has full rights to her (without a court order.) That means he can at any time come in and take her and the cops can't do anything about it because there is no LEGAL custody arrangement. We just has a situation in my town where a dad took his daughter to TX and he was deported (he was in the US illegally) and they sent his daughter with him even though she was a citizen because there was no custody arrangement and her mom (who is a US citizen was back in WY.) Courts/LE can't do anything about it.

    As far as money goes, my BF's ex pays him $600 a month for their little boy and she makes around 90,000 (in MT.) He should be paying you way more and the fact that he is not willing to pay you more even though he has it says so much to me. He doesn't deserve it to be amicable. Take his lazy a** to court and get what you and your daughter deserve! Plus, you don't want him to later down the road decided to try and take her from you.

  17. I get about $265.00 for one child and he makes alot less than your ex. If I was you I could ask him for about 100-300 $ more and see what he says?As they get older they want and need lots more so right know would be the good time to ask for more! The worst thing he can say is No! If he says no than you next step would be to go to court!

  18. I think most laws are that 25% of the income that the non custodial parent makes is what is paid in child support. $200 a month is ridiculous if he makes $80,000 a year.

    I would look it up on the internet for your state, or call family courts and find out. I think that you're getting a bad deal.

    Best Wishes

  19. ROFL!!!!!!  $200??!?!   Try this calculator:

    I ran it for Georgia, assuming $400 a month in non-custodial family insurance.  It came up with between $1,133 and $1,533 a MONTH.  $200 is laughable.  Tell him that if he wants to stay out of court, he better start paying $1,300 a month, or else leave it to a judge.

  20. If he is that calloused about supporting his child then you will have  to bit the bullet and take him to court.  Child support is calculated  on a percentage of incomes so if you have no income he is liable for 100 percent of the cost of caring for his child.  But be careful he could ask for more visitation rights or even try and get custody.  i would consult an attorney before I did anything

  21. You should ring the Child Support Agency and they can give you a write up on how much you should be receiving. You can get child maintenance without going to court as well, my partner has 2 children from a previous relationship and his ex and him have never been to court, she simply contacted centrelink and. He pays a bit over 400 a fortnight for the children. Good Luck.

  22. Child support is based on his income. If you were going thru the court he would be paying at least $200 a week. If you allow him to pay such a small amount under the table now, he will only continue the pay that amount as the child gets older. And we all know the bigger they get the more expensive. If you can settle it outside of court then do so, but if not you have to look out for your child and go to court.

  23. Child support is based on his income not her age.  You're going to have to go to court to get a judgement against him.  He's not going to turn loose of his money freely.  And being court ordered, he'll have to pay.  Right now he could stop at any time without consequence.

  24. Child support goes by his pay.. He will definitely have to pay more than $200 a month!!! He makes that much $$ and only wants to give you that amount>?? Take him to court!!! You will get more!!!! It will probably be more like $800/month.. Doesnt he realize how much it cost to raise a child??? GOOD LUCK!!

  25. that is no enough. My ex makes probably half of that  and I am entitled to almost $100 a week. I only take $75 because he is with him some of the time. You need to be getting more than that honey.  Dont feel bad about it either.... you need to do what you need to do for your little one.

  26. 284 dollars is the standard rate here in oregon for an income of 1534 a month!!!!!  

    You recieve way less than that for an income taht is 5x higher.

    The baby being an infant has no bearing on how much you will get for child support.

    It is always based on income.  Some states are 17% and I believe the highest they go for one child in other states is 20%.

    So good luck.

    I would file for it.  He will end up paying somewhere close to 900 a month maybe even more.

  27. With him making 80 grand a year-he should be paying probably closer to 200 a week! My ex- is ordered to pay 200 a week and he makes close to that. (Not that he does) Good luck-I hope that your ex will pay willingly and not dragged through the court system.

  28. An uncle of mine has 3 children (by 2 different women). He makes $45,000-50,000 per year and has to pay $800/month for his two pre-teen boys combines (so $400 each) and he pays $450/month for his pre-teen daughter.

    That's A LOT of money to be taken out of his check, yeah, but he made his children and its his responsibility to pay for them.

  29. i don't think you're getting enough! And i know babies are expansive! you could go to your local court house and try asking someone there who could help you.. .look online for your state guidlines, and it might tell you a % of their income for however much they make...

  30. If yoiu do go to court, the court will award child support based on the father's income. It has nothing to do with how much it costs to take care of the child. It has everything to do with the lifestyle that the father is capable of providing. Chances are that if his income is in the $80,000 range, he should obviously be paying significantly more than $200 a month. That's barely above the poverty line.

  31. it's 17% for one child where i live. and 25% for two children and so on... it really just depends on where you live. search child support % in the state that you live in. that should help. then just get a calculator and figure it out from there.

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