
I have a 6th sense...?

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I have been able to sense spirits in the room since I was a little girl. And my mother knew this.

And I have been able to smell blood in the room since 5 years ago.

As in, my nose is more sensitive to that smell. Even if it were fresh.

Im not one of those creepy gothic people that claim to speak to the dead and all that other creepy vampire stuff.

(not offence to those people)

But I tried to explain it to my mom, and she won't believe me.

I started reading the book Twilight back in March, and it's my favorite book.

But my mom thinks I'm making it up because I want to be like a vampire from what she says.

When I don't. I know what's fiction and what is real.

How can I make her believe me? I really want help. It's getting scary.

And I feel like I have no one. Its like a gift, and a curse...




  1. I know that feeling. When I discovered that I can sense the presence of the dead around me I was scared too. I was only 12. I couldn't talk to anyone and when I tried to tell to my family they said that I looked to much at TV. They believe in my gift when they want to believe. For example, at the funeral of my mother's aunt, they believed me when I told them that she was there in the room and was able to listen any messages from them. People trust in this things when they need it. Don't be scared! We shouldn't be scared about ghosts, we should be prudence with them.

    I'm going to explain you about the 6th sense. The 6th sense is actually called psychic ability. Everyone has psychic ability, it is the same as dancing, singing, painting etc, we can all do these things but some are more gifted than others. Here is a list of some of the things an untrained natural psychic may experience: Knowing the phone is going to ring. Feeling peoples emotions before they speak to you. Seeing,Hearing,and Smelling things that cant be explained.

    Your target is to try to develop this gift and after that to help the earthbound spirits to cross over (when you will be prepared).

    Don't do anything without your guardian angel. Everyone has a guide (guardian angel), that has been with us since before we were born. He will help you to explore your gift and will protect you in your journeys.

    E-mail me if you want to talk more, because is a really opportunity that I met someone that has a gift like me.

    Adrian xx

  2. Why is it so important that she believe you?  If your mother is uncomfortable when you talk about this stuff, just leave it alone.

  3. Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the purported ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. The term was coined by Duke University researcher J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy, the sensing of thoughts or feelings without help from the 5 known senses, precognition, the knowledge of future events, and clairvoyance, the awareness of people, objects or events without the help of the 5 known senses. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct, a hunch, a weird vibe or an intuition. The term implies sources of information currently unexplained by science. Popular belief in ESP is widespread, but skeptics are still not persuaded that there truly is a sixth sense because of the lack of reliable theories and information.[1][2][3]

    The existence of ESP abilities is highly controversial, and no scientifically conclusive demonstrations of the existence of ESP have been given.[1] Parapsychology explores this possibility, and some experiments such as the ganzfeld have been suggested as good evidence of ESP.[4][5] The existence of ESP is not generally accepted within the scientific community.The notion of extrasensory perception existed in antiquity. In many ancient cultures, such powers were ascribed to people who purported to use them for second sight or communicate with deities, ancestors, spirits, and the like.

    Extrasensory perception and hypnosis

    There is a common belief that a hypnotized person would be able to demonstrate ESP. Carl Sargent, a psychology major at the University of Cambridge, heard about the early claims of a hypnosis – ESP link and designed an experiment to test whether they had merit. He recruited 40 fellow college students, none of whom identified themselves as having ESP, and then divided them into a group that would be hypnotized before being tested with a pack of 25 Zener cards, and a control group that would be tested with the same Zener cards. The control subjects averaged a score of 5 out of 25 right, exactly what chance would indicate. The subjects who were hypnotized did more than twice as well, averaging a score of 11.9 out of 25 right. Sargent's own interpretation of the experiment is that ESP is associated with a relaxed state of mind and a freer, more atavistic level of consciousness.[citation needed]

  4. the website

    has a lot of information and people who might be able to help you.    

    free site, lots of good information from people writing in with their own experiences.

  5. Don't worry, there are many other people with this same sense, and they also go through what you go through. I am not one of them, (thank goodness, I freak out too much at night as is...) but I know what you should do. Unless a ghost attacks ur mother she will most likely never believe you, so accept it. It is a gift, and you should find an online community who share this gift. You are not alone, so don't think that. We (I'm the friend of the owner of this account, he's eating right now) can sense spirits, but not to your degree. Despite that we will offer any support and guidance you need. Simply ask.

  6. I am in the same boat as you. I have the ability to interpret dreams, but my parents believe that I do not have that ability and that it should be left to "god". But I know my ability. If they want to know and if they are curious then I will help them, other than that I do not let their negativity get me down. Be happy and keep embracing your gift. To be able to take a part of your 6th sense and to tap into that sense of your ability is amazing.

    If your mom doesn't want to believe it then she won't. You can't make her. Your best choice is to be patient with her and let time work through it. Maybe she's kind of scared of your ability...who knows....

    But you are not alone. I am learning how to tap into my 6th sense. You just have to find the right people who will help you along the way!!!

    Good luck on you journey!  

  7. Well, we're two of a kind, aren't we, Bella L?

    No, there are hundreds of others that have the same thing.

    Only the first one is supernatural, to be honest.
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