
I have a 6yr old baby and he still doesn't know how to use the loo?

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i always either have to hold him while he does it

or send him outside where i don't mind if he gets it everywhere

Any tips ?




  1. Did you ever try to TEACH him how to use it? That's something you are supposed to do when a child is 2 or 3.

  2. a 6 yr old. is not a baby.


  3. He's not an animal so sending him outside to use the bathroom MUST stop. That's horrible and sick

    Just tell him to keep practicing and reward him with small treats (candy or stickers) when he does it correctly.  Tell him if it's done correctly for a certain amt of time (a month or so) he will get to go on a trip to the zoo or chuckee cheese, etc

  4. Take his hand and place it on his little d*ck, then show him how to pull the f******n back (if it's still intact) and how to point his p***s, where he wants the pee to go. After he's finished, be sure to teach him how to give it a little shake or two (any more and he's playing with it) to get the drips off. Then have him tuck it away and wash his hands.

    Be liberal with praise when he shows improvement and/or success.

    This is also a good time to teach him the proper names of the different parts of the p***s, including s*****m and testicles, if he doesn't already know them. You can also throw in the less clinical terms, so he doesn't appear to be too much of a nerd, in front of his peers.

    He'll probably enjoy the lessons and the permission to handle his own equipment, the way most of us did.

  5. Stop babying him. Demand better of him, don't ask.

    A six year old is not a baby, but you think he is. That really says it all.

  6. has he watched anybody else do it?

  7. release him in the jungle for a few days. If Tarzan can do it your 6 year old can do it.

  8. literally you've got to force him to do it, just push him into the bathroom and make him doit alone, or say until he an behave his age he has to wear a nappy, that normally gets children to grow up especially if he   is about to start school

    also try a reward system, like giving him a sweet whenever he does it properly

  9. sit him on the toilet backwards. (facing the back of it)

    After he gets this then in a few weeks try to stand him up and do it. He may be to short. Use a little kid's one that you buy at a store and empty yourself.

  10. lol, bad aim huh? I have seen these cute little things you can buy, they are a cute little target you put in the loo (toilet) so he can aim and its fun and hes gotta get the target and when he gets it a cool picture comes up. Im not sure where u would get one though, but it might help.

    And dont worry, i will call my kids my babies till im gone. :)

  11. This has to stop. He will be laughed at in school and by the other kids in the neighborhood. This will further damage his self esteem. I suggest you be firm with him. Buy a package of glycerin suppositories. They stimulate the colon and he will have a bowel movement. As far as making urine is concerned, he can sit down on the toilet and go. I also suggest you use the proper names for body parts. They are natural and there is no need to use baby talk at his age. Part of inability to train is often due to parental miss management of bowel and bladder habits, I know parents don't like to hear that they may be the cause or at least contributing to the problem. If you didn't think there was more you could do, you wouldn't have asked. If you insert a glycerine suppository and wait 20 minutes, he will produce a bowel movement. When he realizes that you can win in the waiting game. He will opt to go on his own. This is all about how he can control you.

  12. you send send a child outside to use the toilet, jesus ****, your obiviously weren't tough enough on the child when he was younger.

  13. Okay, first off, a six year old is not a baby. If you have to hold him while he does it, then that's how you're gonna have to teach him. Sending him outside to pee is bad. He'll never learn if you do that. My six year old cousin has only just learnt how to go the toilet on her own, so don't worry. You do need to teach him though.

  14. He acts that way because you treat him that way, you are the problem not him. Train yourself to train him.

  15. No offence but you shouldnt be able to have a child!!!!!

  16. FIRSTLY a 6 year old is NOT  a baby.

    Secondly If you let him go outside where he wants then he isnt learning a thing. If needs be go right back to basics and buy him a potty or a proper little training sit that sits on top of the toilet to make the toilet seat smaller.

    But you are not helping him with what you are doing now so spend less time on here and more time teaching him.

  17. Make another question and tell what you've tried and how he has responded and you will get better answers.


  19. Your a troll. No parent should call their kid retarded.

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