
I have a 6yr old mare that when she trots sometimes holds up her rt back leg for about 5 sec. what causes this

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it is almost like she is a male dog urinating. very strange but it does not seem to hurt her




  1. It's more common in miniatures, but she could have a locking patella.

    In order to sleep standing up, horses can use a ligament in their stifle (which corresponds to the human knee) to lock their legs in place without thinking about it.  In some horses, this ligament can get stuck over a bump on the joint and lock up their leg without them intending too.

    THe best treatment is conditioning, which I've heard helps, but other than that, I don't think there's a good treatment for it.  Usually it doesn't hurt, but may make her awkward to ride.  Good luck.

    Here's a website to look at:

    Edit:  Stringhalt, IIRC, happens on every stride, and is more of an exaggerated movement with a pause than an occasional 5 second event.  The locking patella (also called locking stifle) is more of an isolated event and lasts more like 5 seconds, across several strides.

  2. Yup, that was my thought Stringhalt. It has to do with the tendons or hock action in the leg where they lift the leg very high and a hesitation.  We have a horse at the barn that has that his left rear.  It does not appear to have any negative effects on him..he is sound.

  3. could be string halt

  4. get the vet to come out and look at her, something might be painful for her

    even if you dont think it hurts her you should make absolutely sure

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