
I have a 7.5 in p***s and i'm 14 is that 2 big?

by  |  earlier

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and i'm worried i might be 2 big and my friends say that i'm 2 big 2 they said that they have smaller p***s here's there size andrew 5.9 oldest kyle 6.5 second oldest and matt 6.1 they also said i have a monster p***s is that true




  1. f*g

  2. Sure.

    Just look at it this way. Your p***s is half a foot long.

    5 dollar foot longs!


  3. My bf has 7 ınches. be proud ıts a good thıng! they probs jealous!

  4. a p***s is never to big!!!!! my boyfriend is 15 and is around that!

  5. jerkwad.

  6. why do guys compare their junk???It's so g*y.

  7. lol ur now the only one same here but more like 7.2 in

  8. u dont have to lie about ur size cuz there is no 14 year old tha has a d**k that big. so dont lie to us

  9. Thats huge!!  

    Mine was 3" at 14!  Erect!

  10. My goodness!

  11. pfft who cares.

    yeah that is pretty big for your age, but that doesn't matter

  12. theres alot of girls in "men health" section

  13. I demand a recount! Wake up!!! You're Dreaming. By the way don't let folks know that you know the size of your friends penises.!

  14. Are you joking. Either your Stupid, or starvin for attention. Ugh Big p***s's are a good thing, im sure even YOU being 14 and all, even KNOW that. So no, thats NOT TOO BIG, Thats Big but thats a good thing, and when you grow up, you'll make a lady, or man, wtvr your preference ;), very happy.. lol

    --Its not like that abnormal tho, my long time BF in Highschool like 15-16, had a 8 incher, so...

    -Haha Rebekah!!! Lol

  15. I dont believe you and its gross that you might know your friends' p***s sizes!

  16. yeah that is big,

    most guys dont even reach that,

    but dont worry !! girls will love that

  17. Nope, it's not too big.   That's the same size as mine was at that age... and it's the same size it is now - 34 years later.

    Some women might find it too big when they *see* it (it's happened to me before), but if you're nice with it and the woman is really turned on, she's unlikely to find it uncomfortable except perhaps for the first few moments after penetration (after a couple of times, even that won't be uncomfortable unless you're unusually thick as well)... and if the woman's a virgin, it's not your length but your width that's gonna make a difference to her comfort (or lack of it).

  18. listen kid,theres a cm and an inch measuser on a ruler,i tihnk you might have measuered on the cm,honest mistake.

  19. Dude wtf r u talking about, many men would do anything for 7.5 inches trust me u will b rather popular wiv the ladies when u old enough lol

  20. I'm 13 and 2 months old, and Mine is jsut about 7 inches, so most likey your perfectly normal!

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