
I have a 7 month shih-tzu. Does she know the difference between a payful dog and a harmful dog?

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I took her with me to the laundry mat and there came a pink nose pit bull. She ran in between my legs and almost tried to disappear. Usually when there are other dogs around us she wants to go play with them. Is it possible they know the difference?




  1. She may have just been intimidated by the big size difference between her and the other dog.

  2. I may not be answering your question but here is a SMALL ADVICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS THAT WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF FRUSTRATION LATER.

    Dog is easy to train even for a puppy or an old dog if you know the right techniques.

    Like most animal, dog can be conditioned. Sometimes it has been conditioned by some bad experience or wrong training techniques.

    So we need to re-condition him to new environment. Finding out what is its history will help the new owner in training it to let go of hidden fears or bad habits.

    Hire a dog trainer is expensive. There are some good books that will teach you how to train dog but reading book leave a lot to our own interpretation and guess work.

    To learn a good dog training techniques from videos is next best thing. With videos, you can re-wind it again and again and learn step by step. It is a much cheaper way than sending your dog to an obedience class.

    Only learn from someone you know or someone's recommended sites that had went through the experience.

    Here is a website you could get value for money "Dog Training Videos." It teaches how to train dog in minutes. Example "how to stop your dog from barking indiscriminately" or even "stop it from pulling your hands off every time it is on leashed!"

    Here is the website of "Instant Dog Training Videos"


    You can get the best deal through subscribing to his mailing list. Dog training videos do works!



  3. ~ the size could have just startled her. But yes dogs can read other dogs and animals signals just from body language. Our s**+ pups are 4 months old and when they come running into the house after a walk and are all excited they just look at our 13 yo peke and trip over each other trying to go around her. The peke gets along with them but when they are full of it she just looks at them and they know stay away.

  4. yes. dogs can tell where they stand in the pecking order right away. a toy puppy facing a pit bull better know the score right away.

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