
I have a 7 month year old baby who won't eat any food i give him. he like hasn't eaten in almost 1 month now!

by  |  earlier

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he seems 2 be getting thinner and i can see his ribs now. he has like absolutely no fat! he is emaciated




  1. Give him weetabix. Worked on my mates baby.

  2. Well first off you need to decide whether he is 7 monthsold, or a year old. LOL  If you are not just playing around, then I feel sorry for your baby.

  3. How about a doctor! Maybe he still want a bottle????

  4. Whatever....even an idiot would have taken their baby to the doctor by now.  Get a life.

  5. I hate when people say "month year old." Sounds retarded.

  6. What the EFF is wrong with you?! You must be joking & its not funny to joke about child abuse.  If your child has barely eaten in a month, YOU ARE WRONG for not taking him to the doctor already.  You know we can't give you the advice you need if you AREN'T joking.  You need to take that child to T-H-E D-O-C-T-O-R.

  7. DOCOTOR!!!! UH DUHHHH!!!!!

    dont rely on  people like us...go to a doctor!

  8. What are you waiting for? Go to the doctor we can't answer that for you. That is the health an well being of a child under the age of 1 DOCTOR!!!


  9. Are you retarded?? Are you atleast giving him formula??? I hope to god you take him to a doctor. They might take him from you. Any idiot knows that if your baby isnt eating take him to the doctor, you seem to be a danger to that child.  

  10. So your baby is starving...and you haven't taken him to a doctor? Yeah, right. Seriously, unless you're hoping for some surprise visit from Social Services, get a life and feed your baby (If you even have one) some decent food.

  11. Is he 7 months or 7 years, there is no such thing as a 7month year old baby.  And if he hasn't eaten in almost a month he'd be dead.  What kid of food are you giving him?

  12. lol month year old?

    Anyways what you need to do first is find your local CPS's number and call them on yourself they will take action from there.

  13. take him to the doctor. he could hav a disorder or something

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