
I have a 7 year old brother who is addicted to the computer. ?

by Guest32179  |  earlier

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He always wants to be on. should he?? He goes on cartoon network and i think that website it's to much for him. Ever since he started going on he has start to not listen o me or my mother and i think he should not go on that much or at all for a while. What should i do. How long should i let him go on. He thinks he is always right these days and though he is wrong. Help




  1. no offense, but he might get fat if your parents dont limit his computer time

  2. ask him to go out and do something with you a few times a week!

  3. I would try setting up a compromise where he can only stay on the computer a limited amount of time each day. The computer is almost like a drug, it can actually be very addictive. People can even suffer from computer withdrawal and everything. It would be the best to take care of the situation as soon as possible.

  4. I think that you are totally right.

    Put a time limit and set a password on the computer so only you can log in Even if he begs, please and is on his knees dont let him know the password.

    My boy was very into the Cartoon Network, not all the media is appropiate for kids, nor do they have positive messages.

    My boy became very disobedient, and out of control, so we cut the cable... my boy has changed so much. But he did go through a withdrawl process, so bare with your little brother.

    Best of luck and kee[ looking out for him your are a wonderful sibling.

  5. Whatever you do too much is not good for you. Your mother has to set up limitations for him or he really might turn into those obese children who will have bad acne one day. Cartoon network isn't bad but him going on for a long time is. Tell your mother to handle him by setting ground rules or tell your mom to sign him up for a sport because it's more productive in some ways.

  6. I feel the same way about my 10 year old.  He is ALWAYS on youtube!  Also, my 13 year old is ALWAYS on myspace!  When I was young, we played monopoly and rollerskated all summer.  What has changed so much?

  7. i think u should only give him 3 hours a day to go on the computer and try to get outside like bike riding going to a friends house and that kind of stuff cause being indoors all the time isnt good for u

  8. aren't those decisions that should be made by your mother?  why are  you trying to parent your brother?  that is your mom's job not yours!!!

  9. He's 7 years old and you think Cartoon Network dot come is to much for him? He's young, its normal, get him on some good games like DOOM or Half Life and he will be fine.

  10. This is how i dealed with it, 1 hour, break for 1 hour, then keep doing that, i got over my addiction

  11. I think it is up to your parents to get him off the computer. You are great to look out for him. Maybe, should can mention to your parents that he is on the computer a lot. And it can't be good for him no matter what site he's on. Suggest that you all get outside and do something together, instead of just making him go it alone. Or, make rule that you both have a certain amount of time on the computer a day and that it --Like 1 hour each. Good luck.

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