
I have a 750.1 kicker mono Class D amp. and the protection light keeps blinking and cutting out my subs.?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 12" Kicker CVR's and both are 2 Ohms, everytime i turn it more than 75% of the volume they start giving me problems i've check the gain (its right).. also all the wiring is correct 4 Guage the ground is tight also the impedience is all right and circuit city has told me that that amp and those subs can stand each other and everything is new. What can be wrong i dont want to waste 60 bucks on troubleshooting Please help..




  1. the amp cant handle the a fuse box just incase the amp wants to blow up...and get a better amp...for two 12's, you might want to get a amp thats atleast 1000w...the cheapest and strongest amp that ive seen is the boss amp....ive seen the boss amp at 1000w blow out two 10 inch kicker soloberic...

  2. ok there are 3 common problems that cause an amplifier to clip:

    1)Voltage supply -this means you get a voltage drop whenever your base hits,especially when you raise the volume from your stereo,to know if you have this problem is to raise your stereo volume up to a limit where you amp doesn't clip and see if your lights in your car blinks (e.g. dash lights,head lights,doorlights etc) .If your lights blink then you will have to get a voltage capacitor : .

    2) Now if your lights are does not blink,then you probably have your subs wired wrong to match your amp ohms.I know your amp plays 2 ohms and 4 ohms .Now from what you said ,I know that your subs are 2 ohms each.There could be a chance that your wired your subs at 1ohm .If your subs have been wired at 1 ohm then your amp would clip whenever you raise the volume up.To check if your subs have been wired to 1 ohm ,both subs would be wired parallel .The wright way your subs should be wired is a series wiring.The link below shows the different wiring :

    Scroll down on that page in the link above and you will see a diagram of parallel and series wiring.

    3) If you check your subs and it is wired correctly (series) then you probaly have a problem with 1 of your subs .I establish that both subs are brand new,but sometimes brand new items can have problems.To check to see if 1 of your subs is damaged,Hook up 1 of your subs at a time to your amplifier(which means only 1 sub will be playing and 1 will be disconnected).And raise the volume on each of the sub to max and see which one clips the amp.

    If both subs clips the amp when played individually then you should do the following:

    1) check to see if any input rca plugs are squeezed or broken

    2)check and tighten the connection on the amp where the power wires are screwed in

    3)store the amp in a cool place in your car,not in the sun and then try playing.

    4)Check and make sure both your ground and power wires are not squeezed or broken in between.

    5) check and MAKE SURE the power wire is tightly secured on the positive terminal on the battery.

    6) make sure both speaker wires are secured firmly onto the speaker terminals.

    7)use the wright size of speaker wires.

    If you do all of the above and still your amp clips,then there might be a chance that your amp have a problem.Take it to a professional and get your system checked ,or return the amp and subs to where you bought them and get it exchange.


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