
I have a 8 week old bearded dragon and i'm not sure how many crickets to feed him a day?

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I have a 8 week old bearded dragon and i'm not sure how many crickets to feed him a day?




  1. feed him as many as he will eat. like 8 or so

  2. 3-5 remove the ones he doesn't eat because they might bother him

  3. 3 or 4 crickets at a time. feed it 3 times a day.

    Removed uneaten ones and stop feeding.

  4. well you should give your dragons hoppers. it depends on the pet shop. give them the whole box about every 3 days. cause my sister has 2 bearded dragons and she gives them 1 box every 3 days.

  5. Bearded dragons should be offered a varied diet consisting of crickets, mealworms, pink or fuzzy mice and a variety of greens and vegetables. Juvenile animals can be raised on small crickets and greens until large enough to eat mealworms and mice. It is very important to regulate the size cricket given to juvenile dragons. Large meals have been associated with partial paralysis and hind leg extension. A general rule is to use crickets no larger than the distance between the dragons eyes to the tip of his nose, and should be offered in several small meals per day rather than one large one. Crickets should be dusted with a vitamin/mineral supplement every other day for up to three months, then reducing supplementation to twice a week. Fresh greens, such as collards, kale, and mustard greens should be finely chopped and offered every other day along with vegetables such as yellow squash, zucchini and shredded carrots. Be sure to thoroughly wash all greens and vegetables before offering them to your dragon.

    Bearded dragons in the wild get their water from the morning dew on plants and afternoon rains. In captivity, they seem to have a difficult time recognizing standing water. A simple means of offering water is to spray them at least once or twice a day with a spray mist bottle. They will lap up the water off of their noses and lower their head to standing puddles if some type of movement is detected.

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