
I have a 8 year old son that plays with toys directly in front of his face. What could be the issue?

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when I ask him what he is doing, he always can tell me a story (fantasy play) about wht he is doing. He started by just doing it at home, but now he is doing it at school and in front of other people. He says that the reason he does it is because he is bored.




  1. Hee hee!  He sounds like a little nut head with imagination aplenty.  I think the real question here is: What is your issue?  Are you concerned that his behavior might be off-putting to other people in social settings?  I doubt you're worried that he needs glasses, somehow.  Explain to your son that other people might not like his behavior and talk about other activities that he could engage himself in when he is bored.  For instance, since he likes telling stories, perhaps he could write them down instead of talking to himself.  My daughter is also 8 and I've had to ask her to stop wandering around in circles talking to her dolls, then directed her to write her story instead.  She has AD/HD so boredom and hyperactivity are the norm with her.  :P

  2. Maybe that is the only way he can see them.  Have his eyes checked.

  3. possible vision problem. see an eye doctor. Even if his eyes are fine, it's good to take your kids to an eye doctor every few years just to check them out

  4. Imagination!

    Don't crush his creative spirit, encourage him.

    You might also want to take him to an eye doctor. He might not be able to see too clearly.

    If it looks like he is 'studying' things, squinting, etc. def. take him to the eye doctor.

    If he doesn't need glasses, just let him play with his toys, it's not doing any harm.

  5. The first thing I thought of was the eye doctor as well, but reading more of your question I wonder if you are concerned because he is showing his imaginativeness in front of people.

    I definitely think a trip to the Dr is in order, and not to an optometrist, but an opthomologist (much different, they test the eyes, not just the vision)

    But I think you may need to step back and look at what is really concerning you, is it that you feel he is too old to play with toys in an imaginitive way and are a bit embarrassed that he is "doing it at school and in front of other people" (your words)? He is only 8, that is still so young, he should be playing with action figures still and making up stories. I know times have changed alot, but playing with toys as an 8 year old shouldn't be a concern.  

  6. He may just like looking at detail, and how things work. But it could be something to do with his eyes, see a optician.

    When I was little my teachers advised my parents for me to see the optician because they thought I couldn't see things properly. Turned out there was nothing wrong with me and have never had any eye problems since.

    Hope this helps.

  7. take him to the eye doctor now

  8. imagination is good maybe he will be an author when he grows up but the close play may mean that he needs glasses get his eyes checked

  9. DUH it's obvious he needs to have his eyes checked.

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