
I have a 9 day old newborn and she whines when she poops whats wrong with her?

by Guest63524  |  earlier

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I have a 9 day old newborn and she whines when she poops whats wrong with her?




  1. There's nothing wrong. I was surprisedd when my 2 month old did this too, but babies aren't used to relaxing their pelvic floor muscles, which makes pooping seem like hard work for them... I have read that they will out grow this by 4-6 months. For now enjoy it, at least you know what's happening and can change the diaper before she starts crying.

  2. Its very normal for babies to grunt, whine, seem like they are hurting when they try to p**p. They dont have control of their muscles yet, so your baby has to put all her effort into going to the bathroom- it doesnt mean she is constipated or anything- and she isnt in any "real" pain.

    Very normal- and congrats on your newborn!

  3. Completely normal!  

    You're lucky she's just whining.  Many babies will scream bloody murder when they p**p or have gas.

  4. That is really normal for a lot of babies.  Some will cry their head off just letting you know what is going on, and they want clean.  I wish my son would.  He is just fine sitting in poo.  I have to check his diaper, and err sniff that area every time I pick him up.  But again remember every child is different.  As long as it is not hard, it is fine.  :)  Good luck with your little blessing :)

  5. nothing baby's do this cuz they can't control the pelvic floor muscle. I just read this today in a baby mag I get. It said at around 5-6 months they stop doing this. So she should turn red and make noise when she poo's

  6. nothing its normal for all babies

  7. she's just telling you she's pooping. That's all.  

  8. This is normal.  Some babies just don't like to p**p.  One thing you can try is to touch her toes to her noes when she is doing it.  This will help relieve some of the pressure.  It also helps her pass gas.

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