
I have a 9 month old who lately has started screaming and crying when I'm trying to put him to sleep.?

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I really don't know what to do with him. I put him in his bed but he just screams louder and cries harder. I want him to start learning how to fall asleep on his own. I've always rocked him to sleep, but I think he needs to start learning to fall asleep without the rocking. He just gets so mad and screams and kicks to no end. How do I deal with the fits and How do I start getting him to go to sleep on his own?




  1. he has learned how to manipulate you.  let him learn to self soothe.  be sure the crib area is safe, there is a night light, and a dry diaper.  things will ease in a week.  relax.

  2. as hard as it may sound, let him cry.  my daughter did the same thing and my doctor, mother, husband all said let her cry.  as long as she was safe and not in any danger, i needed to let her cry it out and figure out how to comfort herself to sleep without having to have me right there all the time.  my husband actually had to stand between me and the door for a couple of nights so i wouldn't go in and get her.  eventually, she was able to settle in pretty quickly and go to sleep on her own.  if you don't let your little guy figure this out for himself, you are going to have a much harder time getting him to stay asleep or fall back to sleep on his own later on down the road.  it is just one of many stages in your relationship with him that you may not like, but are going to have to get thru.  good luck, it will be hard for him but even harder on you to just let him cry, but trust me, it will be worth it for both of you later on down the road.

  3. I couldnt stand letting my baby cry so we got this routine and its worked for 2 of my friends: grab his fav blankie, a bottle/cup of what he prefers, a pacifier if you give him one and lay him in the floor to watch a baby einstein dvd or in your arms wherever you prefer. All the objects and the soothing music knocked my little one right out. once he gets used to that you can move him to his bed and do this and eventually he will find other ways to fall asleep on his own.

  4. Your child is rebelling against sleep, because he doesnt want to miss something. It's as if you and your spouse are having some kind of party, that he's not invited to.

    If he screams long enough, he will fall asleep. It is a test of wills.

    In addition, you have to really "sell" the bedtime idea. Keep a routine, and do not deviate even a little. Let your kid in on it. Repetition works:

    "Junior, let's have a bath, and then we are going to read one story and then it's time for bed." After the bath, say, "Did you enjoy your bath? Good, let's put on our sleeping clothes" And once you have the pajamas on, say, "Alright, let's read one story! How many stories are we going to read? One, right! And then it's bedtime"

    Feel free to adlib according to your routine. The key is to manage the kid's expectations. Take away all elements of surprise, and make it clear how the schedule of events is laid out.

    It gets easier over time, but only if you keep to the routine. Your child will continue to offer resistance for a while, but he will know ahead of time that bedtime is soon approaching.

    Before you know it, he will be the one telling you when it's time to do what!

  5. Did you just recently trying to get him to fall asleep on his own?  I ask because it will probably take a few times before he gets the idea.  He'll scream and cry for a while, but he'll be okay.  You just have to be persistent with it.  Crying won't hurt him so if he's not crying because he's hungry, or needs to be changed, or sick, you just have to stick it out for a while.  He'll be fine and so will you.

  6. I would do the routine as suggested by another answerer.  I also would try and have a major play session before the routine, wear the kid out so it will look forward to sleep, that may cut down on the crying time. It is said that you shouldn't let them cry constantly for more than 15 minutes at a time.  Good Luck.

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