
I have a 9 year old girl who has a small knot that just came up on her breast?

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I remember when I was about her age that happened to me the doctor said then it was nothing I'm thinking it may be the samething with her she said it feels sore I think it is her breast starting to deveolp.




  1. that is totally normal. if u take her 2 the doc. they will most likely say the same thing

  2. it oprobably is just starting to develop but I would get her checked. It is possible it may be mastisitis

  3. I would keep an eye on it for the next two weeks and see if there is any change. It could be a cyclic cyst and may disappear accordingly. If there is no change or it grows, I would see the doctor to be certain the growth is normal and healthy.

  4. if she is heading towards puberty, it could be a benign cyst.  ask the gyn to examine her to be sure.

  5. Yes take her to the doctors, the sooner you teach her to take care of herself the better. Mammograms are important, this is a learning experience I pray there is nothing wrong.

  6. She's the right age for it.  Is it right under the areola?  I remember that when I started developing I was lopesided for a while. :(

    God Bless.

    mom of 5 w/ #6 due Nov 08

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