
I have a 9 year old that's very lazy. How can I get him motivated about doing homework and playing football?

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I have a 9 year old that's very lazy. How can I get him motivated about doing homework and playing football?




  1. Say, this is what is what WE are doing and be involved. Hopefully he will get moving with you!. Arrange for football sessons with a few friends.

    Good luck and don't give up, 9 year olds really need a lot of encouragement sometimes....

  2. Why does he have to play football if he doesn't want to?????

  3. At nine years his homework is his responsibility, if he doesn't do it he won't pass the grade he is in and he will be left behind and will be teased by not only the kids in his grade that will be moving up without him but the kids in the grade behind his and it will continue because that is the reputation he will have.  You might want to bring this to his attention.  All you can do is make sure he has an adequate place for him to do his homework and that he is well organized.  I also suggest getting John Rosemond's book "Ending the Homework Hassle" it has some good tips in it.  

    As far as the football, maybe he isn't interested in it

  4. What works with our  (now 11-year-old) son is no TV until the weekend and the same goes for video games etc. You would not believe how much of a difference cutting out TV has made for him! He now goes off and plays with Legos or draws when he is done with homework and chores. He has become much more creative and independent and his attention span is vastly improved.

  5. If he isn't motivated to play football, then he doesnt want to play, dont force him. That should be a fun activity that he wants to do, not like homework, which he has to do. If he is resisting what is supposed to be fun, then you can be assured that he isn't having any and you shouldnt make football a mandatory activity for him. Talk to him and see what he wants to do, and listen to him, if he wants to do art classes instead, allow him to do that. Once you find out his motivations for fun you can in turn use that as a motivation about being dilligent about his schoolwork. If he chooses an activity that he wants and you say, not until your schoolwork is done, it will get him in gear to work hard.

  6. make it fun. Give rewards, if he does his homework, he gets a prize, if he ever does his homework without being asked, praise him, and tell him how proud you are. As for football, if he doesn't want to do football, dont fore him, help him to find a sport he does want to do.

    If all else fails, if he doesn't do his homework, take away privileges. Like no TV till homework's done, or no dessert till homework's done, or something like that.  

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