
I have a Bay Quarter Horse Mare named Dutchess. I need a show name for her! She is 13 years old. Please Help!?

by Guest66657  |  earlier

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I have a Bay Quarter Horse Mare named Dutchess. I need a show name for her! She is 13 years old. Please Help!?




  1. I guess it depends on what her breeding is and her event. I believe "Dutchess" is really actually spelled Duchess.

    Here are a few suggestions (Spell it however you like):

    Sweet Duchess

    Dark Duchess

    Duchess Delight

    Decidedly Duchess

    Dangerous Duchess

    Decorated Duchess


    contact me with more about her and I will suggest more names

  2. Most people name their horses based on their breeding.  Especially if they're from famous lines.  The best show horse at my barn is descended from the great Rugged Lark so she has Lark in her name.

    Other horses are named for their markings.  Another horse at my barn has very short white markings on his hind legs... they went up just above his ankles.  So his name is Awesome Pullup Yer Sox... I don't know if that's spelled right, but you get the idea... it's like the horse's name is "Awesome" and you're telling him to pull up his sox!

    So if you have any of those things that you could do, they're good ideas.

    Using just the name Dutchess, you could add any adjective before Dutchess...

    Royal Dutchess

    Dreamy Dutchess

    Darling Dutchess

    Daring Dutchess

    anything like that.

  3. I like the names:

    Flashito  and   Stormello. I think they're both really pretty, but powerful at the same time.

    good luck  :)

  4. The Dark Dutchess of (Insert the name of your street or town)

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