
I have a Blu-ray DVD player. What are some good movies to get in order to test out the high definition system?

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I personally like Action/Adventure movies the most. Tell me which ones you enjoyed if you have or have seen Blu-ray movies.




  1. I'll give you the link for the picture quality tier thread at the AVS forum.

  2. spider man 3. that looks AMAZiNG in blu-ray


  3. Several test discs are available. Here's an example:

    This will work better than a random movie.

  4. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 or 3.  Some major CGI going on in those movies, and in Blu-Ray, it'll look AMAZING!!

  5. Agree Disney's Pirates of the Carribean look awesome.  Also Cars or Ratatoille by Pixar.

  6. Disney or pixar animated movies like Ratatoulie.  

    For non animated or Computer Graphics based stuff.  Try Planet earth Blu-Ray.  I just got it the other night.  Its absolutely AMAZING!!!  (Get it at Wal-Mart because its only $67.50 and it has like 550 minutes of HD content).

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