
I have a Brand New NES 1985 System, Never been played or unwrapped with super mario bros.How much is it worth?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know how will buy it?




  1. I just checked on ebay for ya and I saw one that was going for $179.00 so thats not bad =D

  2. couple of quid

  3. try checking to see what people are selling them for on ebay

  4. In the words of Publilius Syrus; "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it". You cannot rely on eBay for the value of an item, as its all about who sees it while it is on, and who wants it

  5. I doubt it will be worth all that much yet.

    Maybe if you keep it for a while longer it will gather more value.

  6. Keep it longer-- the value may increase, but that would take years.

    Games just usually decrease in value after time, so I'm not quite positive.

  7. Worth. That's a potent word. I purchased mine at the jockey lot for $10, but then, it wasn't new. If yours really comes in the original box with a pack in game, it would be a collector's dream.

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