
I have a Bridgestone Keltec girls bike can anyone tell me about it plz?

by  |  earlier

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It is painted in metallic pink, has Chinese or Japanese writing on it and a sticker with a picture of 2 clouds with a shooting star, a girl and these words...the driving machine that carries you ahead of its time. It also has a squared bottom U shaped stand at the rear that lifts the back wheel off the ground to hold it upright. I do have pictures if they would help!

If anyone can tell me about this bike I would greatly appreciate it as I have searched the net and found nothing like or about it.




  1. Yeah. That bike was made for the Asian market. They were made just before Bridgestone stopped exporting to the US as an attempt to expand their home market.

  2. Here is some info on Bridgestone bikes.

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