
I have a CB radio in a truck and a friend has a walkie talkie in her car. Can we talk to each other?

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I have a CB radio in a truck and a friend has a walkie talkie in her car. Can we talk to each other?




  1. you will have to play around with it to see if you guys can get on the same channel but you probably will not get but a couple of miles out of it rang wise.good luck

  2. It depends on what kind of Walkie talkie it is.  And if it has  CB channels built into it.  And also what kind of antenna it has.  You can get and outside antenna that mounts on to the roof of your car.  That will plug into some walkie talkies.  It will increase your range.  By a couple more miles.

    And somebody made the response that CB radios don't get out very far.  Well he doesn't no much about CB radios.  With the right setup you can talk all of the way across the United States.  It depends on the atmosphere conditions.

  3. If the walkie talkie is also a Citizen Band, then yes.  But most walkie talkie has very limited range and most have difficulty transmitting from INSIDE the cab as the radio wave will be shielded from getting out.

    So if you get through the range would be limited.

    Good Luck...

  4. CB radios don't have much range. If your friend has a low wattage walkie talkie then its not going to have enough juice in it to send a signal past maybe a quarter mile.

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