
I have a Canon PowerShot A560, it has a lens error, can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?

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I turn my camera on, and when I do it says "Lens Error, restart camera." It beeps when I turn it on, and then it turns off. I can't even put my pictures on my computer. I was out with friends taking pictures then this happend. Can anyone please help me get this problem fixed.




  1. Despite your camera not working, you can easily transfer your images to your computer. All you need is an SD (or multi) card reader. Just insert your memory card into it (which is plugged into your computer's USB port. Your computer will see it as a removable drive. Then just copy your images to your hard drive.

  2. this may help :

  3. You Can't Fix The Camera, You Have To Send It

    In, Don't Worry It Doesn't Seem To Be Your fault

    Contact, and go to the support page, they'll ask you to print a form, and complete it. They also give you an address to send your camera, it's 100% free, the only thing you have to pay for it the shipping, which isn't expensive at all. This just happened to me, and you CANT fix it yourself, you have to send it in to be serviced. Oh, and this isn't an " uncommon" problem at all with these cameras, it usually occurs because of the battery.

  4. I would have to actually see the camera myself to know for sure, but one of three things is happening. Either one, the camera was dropped or somehow damaged, and the lens now is either stuck off the track, two, there is something pushing against the lens and wedging it closed, or three, something happened and a part inside got loose, severing the connection between the lens and the motor that causes it to extend out.

    If any of these things is the case... you need to get your camera repaired (or buy a new one). As far as getting the pictures off to your computer, one thing you could do is get yourself a memory card reader (you don't need a huge one, even just one that will read SD-format cards), and use that to transfer photos. In fact, I'd suggest doing this regardless, it helps save your camera's battery power for when you actually want to take pictures.

    Hope all gets fixed there eh?

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