
I have a Canon PowerShot A75. The video screen doesn't seem to work. How do I correct this problem?

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I can't see any images through my video screen.




  1. That's a big issue with a digital camera. Normally, I'd suggest trying to find a repair shop or calling Canon up. In your situation though, I'm going to make a completely different suggestion.

    I think you should get a new camera. I'm not going to tell you what to buy, that's up to you and obviously depends on what you really use your camera for.

    I'm making this suggestion because your camera is 4 years old and 1/2 the quality of most newer digital cameras out there. So repairing your older camera might cost a pretty penny when you could put that pretty penny towards a newer camera.

    Obviously if you're still using a 3.2 megapixel camera, you're not obsessed with the best quality since most newer cameras coming out this year are 8+ megapixels.

    You could get a 7 megapixel model from last year on sale at a store for less than $150 and it'll take twice the quality of your current camera which probably cost you $250+ brand new 4 years ago.

    Canons are a good brand, I know this, I have a PowerShot A510 that is 3 years old and also only 3.2 megapixels. I myself am looking to upgrade, which is why I made this suggestion to you.

    If you're in love with your old camera and don't want to upgrade, then I'd look into finding a repair shop.

    Best of luck to you!

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