
I have a Canon ZR800. I have a mac. When I plug my camera in from firewire, nothing happens. Can someone help?

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I have a Canon ZR800. I have a mac. When I plug my camera in from firewire, nothing happens. Can someone help?




  1. If you are waiting for something to automatically start, it probably won't. Open the editing program you are going to use and 'capture' the video. Your camcorder must be on and in playback mode. Consult your manual and use the help section in your editing program.

  2. I have a ZR700 and a Macbook and it works fine. I assume that nothing happening means that you have iMovie open, but the camera is not registering. I'm going to give you advice for iMovie 06, because iMovie 08 sometimes has problems with this sort of stuff. You can download 06 from apple for free if you don't have it with the link below. What I would do first is just shut down iMovie, Quit it entirely, but make sure the camera is still plugged in and is set on the mode "Play VCR" Now restart iMovie, the camera should automatically register and you should be-able to import the clips. If this doesn't work, you might have a lose connection somewhere, try making sure that all the ends of the fire wire are firmly in place and try again. If this still doesn't work try a different firewire cable, borrow one from a friend just to try it rather than buying another one, if your friends doesn't work than you know it's not the firewire.  

  3. It works fine, you just have to get a program to control the Imovie, final cut or premier...

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